Aims Community College Students are expected to demonstrate qualities of morality, honesty, civility, honor, and respect. Behavior which violates these standards for which discipline may be imposed includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Cheating. Copying or attempting to copy the academic work of another student or entity (including but not limited to quizzes, examinations, assessment tests, and assignments); claiming credit for another’s work contrary to instructor/department instructions; using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids, or other devices for an academic examination or exercise; engaging or attempting to engage the assistance of another individual in misrepresenting the academic performance of a student; or communicating information in an unauthorized manner to another person for an academic examination or exercise.
Fabrication or Falsification. Fabricating, forging, altering or falsifying any information, College document, assignment, record, or instrument of identification, including but not limited to parking permits, transcripts, College applications, student IDs, coursework, registration forms, or insurance forms. Falsification is the alteration of information, while fabrication is the invention or counterfeiting of information. The use of artificial intelligence to generate any form of academic work for any class assignment, unless said use is expressly sanctioned in writing by the instructor, is forbidden.
Plagiarism. Use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement; unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person; or use of an agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
Complicity in Academic Dishonesty. Participating in any behavior that could be considered fraudulent, including receiving or attempting to receive payment, services, or academic credit under false pretenses.
Falsifying Grade Reports. Changing, destroying, or attempting to change or destroy grades, scores, or markings on an examination or in an instructor’s or the College’s records.
Lying. Knowingly furnishing false information to any College official, instructor, or department.
Other. Additional standards of conduct relating to academic honesty specified in writing by an academic division or department and/or an individual instructor for a particular course.
See Student Code of Conduct, Aims Procedure 611-01.