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Testing Center

Academic Testing

DAS Accommodated Exams and Make-Up Exams

  • Appointments are required for all testing.
    • Students, please provide;
      • Name and phone number
      • Course, section and instructor's name
      • Title or subject of the exam
      • First and second choice for the appointment day and time
  • Students are tracked through check-in software and monitored with audio and visual surveillance equipment. 
  • Please read the applicable sections below for more information.

Instructors, please complete the Testing Checklist form below.  

Students must schedule an appointment to test.

Instructors, please complete the Testing Checklist form below.  

Students must schedule an appointment to test.

Instructors, please complete the Testing Checklist form below.  

Students must schedule an appointment to test:

Instructors, please complete the Testing Checklist form below.  

Students must schedule an appointment to test:

  1. Fully complete the Testing Checklist (see below).
  2. Please indicate any documented testing accommodations on the Testing Checklist. 
  3. Make sure to calculate accommodated time if applicable.
  4. Attach exam materials to the Testing Checklist.
  5. Please remind the student that all testing is by appointment only.

  1. Must obtain instructor approval to take a course test in the Testing Center.  Specify which campus is preferred.
  2. Confirm with instructor that the exam has been provided to the Testing Center.  
  3. Check the current hours for the testing location.  
  4. Schedule an appointment at the testing location.
  5. Please mention approved accommodations if needed.  
  6. Bring a photo ID.  Digital or photos of an ID are not accepted. 
  7. Arrive with enough time to complete the exam within the time limits provided by the instructor, or sign a waiver acknowledging understanding of less time.  
  8. All tests must be turned in by closing.
  9. Use lockers to secure electronics and personal items. Cell phones and watches must be turned off and placed in the locker, along with wallets and keys.
  10. No food or drinks are allowed in the testing area.
  11. Once an exam is started, only emergency breaks are allowed and are monitored by staff. Your exam will be considered complete if you leave the Testing Center without permission. 

  1. Verify tester identity.
  2. Deter academic dishonesty.
  3. Provide a quiet, secure, confidential environment for testers and ensure exam integrity. 
  4. Assist as a reader/scribe.