
  • Due to inclement weather, the Aims Physical Education and Recreation Center (PERC) on the Greeley Campus will be closed on Saturday, January 18.


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Dean of Students

Student Code of Conduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of Aims Community College as a public educational institution. Students must assume responsibility for their actions; observe federal, state and local laws and college regulations; and respect the rights, privileges and property of others.

Your academic attitude is a major factor in your success at Aims. You share responsibility along with your professor and other students for creating a productive learning environment, which includes behaving courteously and respectfully and becoming self-disciplined in your learning.

Here are ways to create a productive college experience:

  1. Attend class and pay attention.
  2. Be on time and stay until the end.
  3. Give full attention when the instructor or another student speaks.
  4. Show respect and concern for others by not monopolizing class discussion.
  5. Turn off all electronic devices, including cell phones, pagers, MP3 players, etc.
  6. Refrain from text messaging.
  7. Obtain permission from your instructor if you want to bring a visitor to class.

As a student, you have the right to a learning environment free from distractions. If others in your classroom are engaging in behavior that interferes with your learning, bring the situation to the attention of your instructor. He or she is responsible for managing the classroom environment and determining the action that should be taken.

The instructor has the right and the responsibility to take appropriate action when he or she observes inappropriate classroom behavior. The form of intervention taken by the instructor will depend on the nature of the misconduct observed.

1. Dishonesty

  • Cheating
  • Fabrication or falsification
  • Plagiarism
  • Complicity in academic dishonesty
  • Falsifying grade reports
  • Lying
  • Other acts of dishonesty

2. Disruption or Obstruction of College Operations, Activities, or Functions

  • Leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled activities
  • Disruption or obstruction of teaching or other college activities
  • Disruption of any college-sponsored activity or event on or off campus or in the virtual environment 
  • Obstruction of ingress to or egress from any college building
  • Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic
  • Obstructing or failing to comply with the directions of any college official
  • Failing to comply with health guidelines as directed by the college, public health officials, or local/state/federal mandates 
  • Using obscene language in the classroom or directed to any college employee 

3. Misuse, Abuse, or Theft of Property 

  • Unauthorized occupation, use of,  or entry into any college building
  • Destroying, defacing, stealing, or making inaccessible library or other college-owned resources or equipment
  • Borrowing, lending or improperly possessing any college instrument of identification
  • Using college computing resources for any purpose other than the purpose for which they are intended
  • Unauthorized use of college property, facilities, equipment, or materials
  • Possessing, producing, manufacturing or having manufactured without proper authorization any key or unlocking device for use on any college facility or lock
  • Traffic violations on campus, including reckless endangerment, careless driving, speeding or operating any vehicle while intoxicated
  • Taking or damaging the property of any student, college employee or member of the college community

4. Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

  • Selling, representing you are selling, dispensing, representing you are dispensing, possessing, distributing, using, abusing, or being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or a controlled substance while on campus or at a college-sponsored event
  • The use or possession of marijuana, including medical marijuana, is prohibited on College premises. Notwithstanding Amendment 64 of the Colorado Constitution, which authorizes individuals over the age of 21 to recreationally use marijuana, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act prohibits marijuana use by students
  • The use of all tobacco products is prohibited in all buildings owned and operated by the College.  Tobacco use is prohibited on walkways and within 15 feet of a building entrances per College Procedure
  • Using prescription medication other than by the person to whom it is prescribed and in accordance with the prescription
  • Misuse of legal substances including use of general products as intoxicants or "means to get high"

5. Discrimination and Harassment 

  • Discrimination is any conduct that treats a person or group unfavorably or differently because of that person's (or group's) age, race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, marital status, veteran status, or other legally protected status.
  • Harassment is verbal or physical conduct that is unwelcome and so severe or pervasive to create a work or educational environment under both an objective and subjective standard that is has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person's (or group's) academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or working environment, otherwise known as a "hostile environment"

6. Abusive Conduct  

  • Bullying, defined as severe, aggressive behavior likely to intimidate or intentionally harm, control, or diminish another person including cyberbullying
  • Stalking, defined as a course of conduct (two or more acts) directed at a specific person causing fear or emotional distress
  • Retaliation, which occurs when an adverse action is taken against a person because of the person's participation or perceived participation in a complaint or investigation of a code of conduct violation
  • Carrying, bringing using or possessing any dangerous weapon on campus or at any college sponsored activity, subject to Colorado State Law
  • Participating in, making claims of, or claiming responsibility of terrorist activity such as threats of bombs, biological weapons, etc. whether in fact or as a hoax
  • Making a false accusation of criminal activity against a College official to law enforcement or to the College

7. Sexual Misconduct

     Any sexual misconduct including:

  • Non-consensual sexual contact
  • Non-consensual sexual intercourse
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Sexual harassment
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence 


8. Abuse of the Disciplinary Process

  • Failure to obey the summons of a college official
  • Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information to a college official
  • Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a disciplinary proceeding
  • Attempting to discourage an individual's participation in or use of the disciplinary process 
  • Attempting to influence the impartiality or a member of a disciplinary proceeding
  • Harassment (verbal or physical) or intimidation of a member of a disciplinary proceeding 
  • Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the disciplinary processes
  • Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the disciplinary process 

9. Social Media

  • Entries or posts on social media outlets that violate federal, state or local law

10. Other Unlawful Acts of Misconduct

  • Any act that occurs on any of the college campuses or at any college activity or sponsored event that is in violation of any other college policy, standard or regulation, or any ordinance of federal, state or local laws.

The Dean of Students Office receives incident reports from Campus Security Officers, faculty, staff, or other members of the college community. 

If a report suggests that you may have violated the Aims Community College Student Code of Conduct you will be asked to schedule a meeting with the Dean of Students. You will receive a notice letter with the nature of the complaint and the conduct code that has been allegedly violated. The notice letter may contain specific requirements or restrictions pending the resolution of the matter to protect the interests of involved students or employees of the college. 

These requirements could include but are not limited to restriction from specific campus locations or orders prohibiting contact with the complainants or witnesses. The notice letter will be sent to the student 's current address listed in the college database. If a notice letter is returned due to a change of address that has not been recorded, the letter may be served to the student by a Campus Security Officer. Failure to comply with a summons from the Dean of Students may result in disciplinary action which may include being placed on hold.

At the meeting you may explain your perspective on the incident. The Dean of Students will issue a decision whether the alleged conduct occurred; whether the conduct violated the Code of Conduct or other college policies or procedures; and impose a sanction(s) if appropriate. You will receive a written notice of the decision and be advised of your right to appeal.

If you are found responsible for a conduct code violation, you may be assigned one or more sanctions. All sanctions are issued in writing. View a complete explanation of the Disciplinary Process.

Possible sanctions include:

  • Official warning
  • Probation
  • Loss of privileges
  • Other disciplinary sanctions such as fines, restitution, assignment to perform services for the benefit of the college community, required meetings with an advisor or other college official, required attendance at programs, or restriction to selected locations
  • Withdrawal from class with consequent loss of tuition and fees
  • Immediate suspension from the college to ensure the safety and well-being of the college community
  • Exclusion from college facilities, activities, or academic programs
  • Educational program/project
  • College suspension with consequent loss of tuition and fees for up to two academic terms
  • College expulsion with consequent loss of tuition and fees for more than two academic terms
  • Revocation of admission prior to matriculation for fraud, misrepresentation or other serious behavioral violation
  • Withholding the awarding of a degree or certificate until the process set forth in the Student Code of Conduct has been completed including the completion of sanctions imposed
  • Exclusionary Order served upon a student who is no longer permitted to be present in any or specified college locations 

If you disagree with the outcome of your hearing you may file a written appeal with the Vice President of Student Engagement, Inclusion, and Success within five business days of receiving your disciplinary decision letter. Your appeal letter must cite at least one of the following criteria as the reason for the appeal: 

  • The conduct hearing was not conducted in conformity with procedures
  • New information that could substantially affect the outcome of the conduct hearing has been discovered since the conduct hearing
  • The sanction is not appropriate for the violation.  This provision is intended to be utilized when a determined sanction is inherently inconsistent with college procedures or precedent.

An Appeal Committee will be appointed to review your request. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Committee to present your case. After reviewing your request, the Committee will make one of these decisions:

  • Reverse the decision
  • Affirm the decision
  • Modify the decision

You will receive the Appeal Committee 's decision in writing. The Decision of the Appeal Committee is final.

Full details about the appeal process are explained in the Aims Disciplinary Process.