Aims Community College is a fully accredited, public and local tax supported two-year college. It has four campuses across northern Colorado, with an additional Flight Center location. Greeley has been home to the 185-acre main campus for more than 50 years, with other campuses in Loveland, Fort Lupton and Windsor. Through concurrent enrollment partnerships, Aims also encompasses several high school locations.
About Aims
History of Aims
Aims was founded in 1967. Through the decades, Aims Community College has opened many centers and established initiatives to make learning accessible for diverse learners.
Virtual Tour
Our virtual tour allows you to get a feel for campus and everything we offer even if you aren't able to come for an-person visit just yet.
Degrees and Certificates
Aims offers over 200 degrees and certificates from more than 50 academic areas of study. With more than 4,000 daytime, evening, weekend and online course offerings each year, students are able to flexibly complete coursework part-time or full-time. Earning completely online degrees and certificates is also an option.
Aims degrees and certificates are designed to fit into one of two tracks:
- Transfer Track: Students can earn an Associate of Arts or Science Degree and then transfer that credit to a four-year university on the path to earn a bachelor’s degree.
- Career and Technical Education Track: Students may also choose to earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree or complete a certificate program which will prepare them to enter the job market upon completion.

The leadership of Aims Community College includes the Board of Trustees, the CEO/President, and other members of the Executive cabinet.
Aims Community College is governed by a 5-person Board of Trustees. Each is elected by the public for staggered terms of four years each. Their roles and responsibilities include being an advocate for the college and students, establishing policies that support the college’s purpose, mission, and vision, supporting the CEO/President, and monitoring the fiscal health of the college.
The College CEO/President is accountable to the Board. Some of the duties assigned to the position include: maintaining an effective system of campus governance, representing Aims and the interest of Aims in the community, administering all instructional programs and business affairs of the college, and providing direction to others in leadership positions.
Dr. Leah L. Bornstein has been the CEO/President of Aims Community College since 2016.
“I want to challenge you to become an active member of our community. Explore the website to learn about Aims Community College, renowned for its small, distinctive learning communities with enrichment experiences designed to provide an environment of intellectual challenge and exploration. I hope you will take full advantage of all Aims has to offer—cultural programs, service learning, academic support, and leadership opportunities.”

Purpose, Mission and Vision of Aims
In 2024, the Board of Trustees developed a new purpose, mission, and vision to better match the goals and strategic directions of Aims moving forward. Additionally, a set of values were established, with input from students, to align with the new purpose of creating a stronger community.
The mission of Aims Community College is to provide knowledge, skills and support services to advance quality of life, economic vitality and overall success of the diverse communities we serve.
Affordability, Financial Aid and Grant Programs
In line with the mission, Aims continues to foster equitable access by keeping college as affordable as possible. Students at Aims have access to a college education at the lowest tuition rate in Colorado (for Weld County residents.) Choosing to go to Aims full-time for two years over a four-year college saves enough money to pay for a third year if transferring to a four-year university.
Aims offers a wide variety of financial aid programs and services to help offset student cost of enrollment. Not only does the college keep tuition and fees at a reasonable rate to limit student debt, but it also does the following:
- awards grant funds to eligible students based on funds available,
- encourages students to apply for scholarships and/or to work on campus,
- and educates students on the borrowing and repayment of student loans.
Please visit the Financial Aid department pages to learn more about each of these options.
Aims seeks to empower students to succeed and emphasizes transforming student pathways to support increased enrollment and a diverse population. A few core beliefs that Aims embraces include:
- Everyone is capable
- Students have multiple learning styles
- Diversity improves learning
- Empowerment = Responsibility
- Learning is multidimensional
Aims Community College recognizes and celebrates diversity in society and believes that educational opportunity should be accessible to all individuals who can benefit from the college’s programs and courses.
Diversity embodies differences. Some differences are immutable, those things we are born with or those we cannot change. Differences include race, color, ethnicity, sex, physical abilities and qualities, sexual orientation and age. Diversity also includes many qualities that we acquire, including education, religion, geographic location, income, marital status, and work experience to name only a few.
We must nurture and respect differences and appreciate the multitude of perspectives resulting from our differences. We must strive to provide an environment that is enriching to all. Along with recognizing differences, understanding and appreciating our shared humanity allows us to work and learn in an atmosphere where all are welcome and valued.
Aims Community College strives toward accessibility to the most reasonable extent possible by providing students, faculty and staff access to facilities, technology and information needed for learning and student success. We work to build a stronger community by recognizing the importance of inclusion in our diverse society and by believing educational opportunity should be accessible to individuals who can benefit from the college’s programs and courses. As such, and in congruence with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Aims Community College is working to meet conformance Level AA for its Web content.
Enhancement of Operations and Employee Supports
As a learning college, the objective at Aims is that students and employees engage in learning collectively. To prepare staff and faculty to become more effective facilitators of learning, Aims focuses on creating an organizational culture where professional development and personnel support learning is a priority.
To continue growth in this area, the college is doing the following:
- improving data analytics for more informed decision-making
- focusing on attracting and retaining highly talented and diverse employees
- strategically incorporating quality and leading-edge technology.
Aims was nominated as one of the Top Places to Work by the Denver Post in 2019.
Investment in the Community
Aims strives to develop programs and partnerships that meet evolving workforce, demographic, and population growth needs. Initiatives currently in progress include:
- Evaluating and prioritizing all current education and service offerings to more effectively meet workforce needs
- Develop new and relevant programs and services for the growing northern Colorado populations
- Expand engagement with the NOCO workforce to include more entrepreneurial initiatives
- Create new and enhanced opportunities to increase student work experience with NOCO employers
The commitment of Aims to the community includes responding to industry needs while simultaneously preparing graduates for immediate workforce opportunities.