Clubs and Organizations
Aims offers a variety of student clubs and organizations for all interests. It’s a rewarding way to get involved on campus, meet new people and make the most of your college experience. You can get involved in a student club or organization at any point in your time at Aims. There’s always an opportunity to try something new!
Agriculture Club
The Aims Agriculture Club promotes and furthers agricultural fields through professional development, leadership training and activities for students interested in the numerous agricultural disciplines.
Aims Creative Writing Club
The Aims Creative Writing Club provides a community to help spark creativity and build confidence and skills for anyone with an interest in being creative through storytelling and writing. Your interest and involvement are highly valued, and we look forward to hearing from you if you're interested in becoming a part of our club!
Aims Games Club
The Aims Games Club sponsors and hosts a variety of gaming related events for all Aims students. This includes, but is not limited to: video games, board games, card games, and paper-and-pencil RPGs. Each gathering is open to gamers of all skill levels, and is intended to provide both an introduction to first time players as well as a challenge to the most experienced gamers.
Chi Alpha (XA)
Chi Alpha (XA) aims to spread the love of God to others, create an environment of fellowship and biblical literacy, and to be Christ Ambassadors.
Delta Psi Omega
At Delta Psi Omega, our mission is to inspire creativity, camaraderie, and excellence in theater at Aims Community College.
English Honor Society
Aims English Honor Society provides opportunities for Aims students to interact with others interested in literature and to participate in on-campus activities.
Hunger Free Student Advisory Council
Our mission is to bring together the community of Aims to address barriers that impact student food security.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is an organization at Aims Community College that welcomes all friends to come and explore Jesus, encounter great community and friendship, and continue to make Aims an amazing college experience for everyone.
LULAC - Greeley Campus Chapter
The League of United Latin American Citizens aims to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.
Media Production Club
The Media Production Club allows interested students to experience and further their interest in the communication media program.
National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)
The NSLS is the largest and only accredited collegiate leadership development program in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at Aims Community College was started in 2014. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with more than 800 chapters and over two million members.
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among high-achieving associate degree students.
Program of Radiology Students at Aims
Students enrolled in the Radiology Technology program and pursuing a career in the field can enhance their time at Aims by joining this club.
Psychology Club
Our mission is to cultivate a supportive community of students of any major who are curious about the complexities of human behavior and societal structures.
Our mission is to foster passionate learners and innovators in STEM, providing opportunities for collaboration, skill-building, and exploration, while promoting diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Student Nursing Association
Aims Nursing program students are invited to join the Student Nursing Association.
Women in Aviation International - Aims Chapter
The goal of Women in Aviation is to encourage and help advance women in all aviation career fields and interests.