
  • From Aims CC: All Aims campuses will return to normal operations on Thursday, 2/13. More info at


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Aims staff member and student sit together in an office


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Academic Affairs

The Aims Academic Affairs Department provides support to foster excellence in teaching and learning at the college by striving for continuous improvement with a growth mindset.

Academic Support & Tutoring

Ensures Aims students have access to the academic support they need to be successful in their college courses.


Start the admissions process today. Apply for free and enroll to take your first steps toward an exciting career.

Adult Education

Provides high school equivalency programs and English Language Acquisition to prepare adult learners for what comes next in their educational and career journey.

Aims Foundation

Endorses and supports the Aims educational mission through the responsible and ethical solicitation, stewardship and investment of funds.

Alumni Connection

The Aims Alumni Connection engages alumni to create an ever-expanding group that stays connected and advocates for the college in a myriad of ways.

Campus Safety and Security

Dedicated to the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors on all Aims campuses by providing law enforcement, training, emergency management planning, surveillance and more.

Career Services

Supports students and alumni with tools and resources to explore, discover and pursue their career goals.

Cashier's Office

Manages tuition and fees and provides guidance, resources and processes to ensure that students have a positive experience paying for college.

Corporate Solutions

Creates customized corporate training for businesses and organizations to upgrade employees’ occupational skills.

Counseling Services

Assists students in coping with anxiety, stress and depression and offers help with other personal or relational struggles that may require guidance.

Dean of Students

Provides the resources and support services that let students and the greater college community enjoy a safe, positive and accessible education.

Disability Access Services

Collaborates campus-wide to provide accommodations and remove barriers so students with disabilities can have equal opportunities.

Employee Services

Manages the full life-cycle of employment at Aims from recruiting to retirement, including benefits, performance management, wellness initiatives and personnel policies & procedures.

Event Management

The Aims Events Management Department exists to create, support and execute our internal and external communities' events that enhance Aims purpose, mission and vision.

Facilities and Operations

Maintains college campus buildings and grounds, event scheduling, furniture acquisition, office and classroom design, janitorial services, and fleet vehicle scheduling and maintenance.

Financial Aid

Offers a wide variety of financial aid programs and services to help Aims Community College students meet their educational costs.

Financial Services

Processes, records, monitors and summarizes the financial activities of Aims Community College.

Food Services

Find hot and cold drinks and grab-n-go breakfast, lunch and snack options at food service locations across Aims campuses.

HS2Aims Advising

HS2Aims Advising provides success coaches to support high school students enrolled in Aims courses. Coaches help students navigate their concurrent enrollment experience, earn credentials, and prepare for their future at Aims after graduating high school. HS2Aims Advising is located in the Transitions Center on the Greeley Campus.

Information Technology

Provides technology services and assistance to Aims students, faculty and staff to support the educational mission and strategic goals of the college.

Institutional Research

Provides information and analysis for the college community to make data-driven decisions, build a culture of evidence, and manage college operations effectively.

Marketing Communications

Shares information to the public about Aims Community College including creative messaging that highlights the educational value offered to students.

Office of Institutional Grants

Listing of current grant opportunities and general support for college faculty and staff in strategic grants planning, coordinating and execution.

Office of the President

The members of the President’s Office make up the leadership of Aims Community College. It includes the CEO/President, Board of Trustees, and Executive Cabinet.

Pathway Advising

Builds relationships and trust with students to educate and empower them as they explore, define and pursue their educational and career goals.

Physical Education

The Aims Physical Education Department promotes the educational ideologies associated with living a healthy and active lifestyle.


Manages the purchase of goods, supplies, construction and services for Aims.

Registration and Records

Supports students and faculty in the enrollment and registration process and manages all academic records for Aims.

Student Life

Promotes student support and growth through educational, social and multicultural activities and community-building opportunities.

Testing Center

Provides high quality academic testing for students as well as other testing services for students and the community in a secure and inclusive environment.


The Multicultural Office for Student Affinity, Inclusion and Community (MOSAIC) serves as a resource for students to build community while learning about and advocating for issues of equity and justice. Formerly the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

Transfer Services

The Transfer Services department supports current students who plan to transfer to a 4-year college or university after graduation.

TRIO Student Support Services

Equips historically underrepresented student populations with skills, experiences and academic practices that assist them in achieving their educational goals for career success.

Veteran Services

The Aims Veteran Services department is available for all military-connected students, including military veterans, active service members, guard and reservists, dependents, and survivors. The office is built around a holistic framework of success, providing academic, community, and VA benefit support for every military-connected student across all Aims campuses.