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Oil and Gas TechnologiesCertificates

Gain Valuable Industry Skills With an Oil and Gas Technologies Certificate

Earning a certificate is a cost-effective way to explore an area of interest without committing to a full academic degree program. With two certificate options, students can obtain an introductory look into the oil and gas field and then choose to continue on to obtain more in-depth knowledge.

These certificates can also serve as a starting point to begin an associate degree in the oil and gas technologies program at Aims. 

Introduction to Oil and Gas Technologies Certificate

Receive a comprehensive education in energy technologies and petroleum fundamentals in use today. Students will also learn how to thrive in an oil and gas organization by understanding principles that lead to success such as business ethics, time management and team building.

Oil and Gas Production Technologies Certificate

Learn a wide range of fundamentals and applications used in the oil and gas production technologies field. Emphases include surveying, geographic information systems, construction equipment, oil and gas production, process technology and more.