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Soil and crop sciences student in the field

Soil and Crop SciencesCertificates

Start or advance your career with one or more of these two-semester soil and crop science certificates. Learn hands-on crop management and production skills, agriculture machinery and mechanic skills. This certificate prepares you for entry-to-mid-level positions in fields such as weed control, tillage systems, irrigation systems and crop management.

Production Agriculture and Crops Certificate

Learn a broad spectrum of plant and soil fundamentals with this certificate. Gain skills in horticulture, crop production, soil science, and farm and ranch management, with an introduction to the computer skills managers and scientists need.

Production Agriculture Mechanics Certificate

Learn fundamental agriculture and power mechanic skills and the basics of agricultural machinery and welding, with an introduction to essential computer skills.

Introduction to Precision Agriculture Certificate

Learn about advanced geospatial technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS). Gain fundamental computer skills along with an understanding of how these technologies are used to enhance agricultural equipment for precision planting and harvesting and other applications.

Precision Agriculture Certificate

Learn the basics of crop production and foundational farm machinery skills along with advanced geospatial technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS). Understand how these technologies are used to enhance agricultural equipment for precision planting, harvesting and other applications, and gain the fundamental computer skills you’ll need in the field.