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Two students in dark blue scrubs working with surgical implements in the Aims Sterile Instrument Processing Certificate program
Sterile Instrument Processing Certificate

Program Admission Requirements

Program Admission Requirements

If you’d like to earn a Sterile Instrument Processing Certificate, there are certain steps to take after you’ve applied to become a student at Aims.

Please note that this program is very popular and the waiting period can last up to a year before you can start classes.

Follow the steps below to sign up for this certificate program.

Step One: Contact Program Coordinator Erin Miyoshi at to be placed on the program waitlist.

Step Two: Once you are added to the waitlist, Erin Miyoshi will contact you about the mandatory program orientation that you must attend before you can register for classes. These orientations are held twice per year in the summer and fall semesters.

Step Three: Attend orientation.

At orientation, you will learn about: