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Aims surgical technology associate degree students get hands-on experience practicing using surgical equipment.

Surgical TechnologyRequirements

Explore the classes that will teach you how to get a job in the medical field as a surgical technologist, including:

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II
  • Microbiology
  • Medical Terminology
  • Human Growth and Development
  • English Composition
  • Career Math

During the first year of this two-year degree program, you’ll take any necessary prerequisite courses and then apply get on a waitlist for the surgical tech program. See the prerequisites and requirements listed below for information about the surgical technology prerequisite courses.

After completing the prerequisite and general education classes, please contact Erin Miyoshi to be placed on the surgical technology program waitlist.

Year two focuses solely on surgical technology lectures, labs and clinical internships in the community. You’ll study and gain direct practice in various surgical procedures, including neurosurgery, spinal surgery and orthopedic surgery.

At the end of your second year, you’ll take a four-week seminar to prepare you for the Certified Surgical Technologist Exam, a national certification standard. This will give you the national certification you need to start your career.

Row Groupings Prerequisites: Credits

Current CPR card prior to clinical entry, criminal background check with no disqualifying offenses, and drug screen.


Examines the basis of biology in the modern world and surveys the current knowledge and conceptual framework of the discipline. Explores biology as a science, a process of gaining new knowledge, and the impact of biological science on society. This course includes a laboratory experience. Designed for non-science majors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category. It is recommended that ENG 1021 and MAT 1340 be completed prior to or be taken concurrently with this course.  Course is not repeatable for credit.

Row Groupings General Education Requirements: Credits
General Education Requirements:



Focuses on an integrated study of the human body including the histology, anatomy, and physiology of each system. Examines molecular, cellular, and tissue levels of organization plus integuments, skeletal, articulations, muscular, and nervous systems. Includes a mandatory hands-on laboratory experience covering microscopy, observations, and dissection. This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category. It is recommended that ENG 1021 and MAT 1340 be completed prior to or be taken concurrently with this course. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

BIO 1111 with a grade of "C" or better. Students who have scored 70% or higher on the BIO 111 test out exam may be eligible for a prerequisite override.


Focuses on the integrated study of the human body and the histology, anatomy, and physiology of the following systems and topics: endocrine, cardiovascular, hematology, lymphatic and immune, urinary, fluid and electrolyte control, digestive, nutrition, respiratory, reproductive, and development. Includes a mandatory hands-on laboratory experience involving microscopy, observations, and dissection. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category. It is recommended that ENG 1021 and MAT 1340 be completed prior to or be taken concurrently with this course.  It is preferred that BIO 2101 be completed prior to taking this course, however, it may be taken concurrently. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

Prerequisite: BIO 2101 with a grade of "C" or better. 


Covers the diversity of microorganisms, their structure, physiology, and the identification process. There is an emphasis on microorganisms that cause infectious disease and the process of infection, host immune responses, and methods to control microorganisms. Laboratory experiences include culturing, identifying, and controlling microorganisms. This course is designed for students pursuing a health science field. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

Prerequisite: BIO 1111, or BIO 2101, or BIO 1005 and CHE 1011 with grades of "C" or better. Students who have scored 70% or higher on the BIO 1111 test out exam may be eligible for a prerequisite override however it is preferred that students complete BIO 1111.


Emphasizes the planning, writing, and revising of compositions, including the development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a wide variety of compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/argumentative writing. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.


Provides an in-depth study of the structure of medical terms with emphasis on using and combining common prefixes, roots and suffixes. This course includes terms related to major body systems, oncology, and psychiatry as well as clinical laboratory and diagnostic procedures, and imaging, and provides accepted pronunciation of terms and relative use in the healthcare setting. Course is not repeatable for credit.


Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, statistics, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications. Course readiness is determined by review of high school transcripts, assessment, and/or meeting with an Aims Academic Advisor. Course is not repeatable for credit.


Examines human development from conception through death, emphasizing physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial factors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Blank Space  *BIO 2101, 2102, & 2104 have a 7 year expiration** ENG 1021, 1022, or 1031 will be accepted, it has a 10 year expiration unless part of a degree***HPR 1040 must be a 3 credit course and has a 7 year expiration****MAT 1140, 1150, 1240, 1340, 1400, 1260, 1220, 2410, 2420, 2430, or 2540 will be accepted, 10 year expiration unless part of a degree
Total General Education Credits 24
Row Groupings Program Specific Courses: Credits

Introduces the fundamental principles and practices of surgical technology, including an orientation to the profession and a review of legal and ethical issues. Topics about patient needs, special patient populations, the physical environment, and safety issues related to the surgical setting and biomedical sciences will also be discussed. Differential tuition rates apply. Students must have all necessary vaccinations and complete a background check and drug screen. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

BIO 2101, BIO 2102, BIO 2104, ENG 1021, HPR 1040, MAT 1140, and PSY 2440 with grades of "C" or better

Course Corequisites
STE 1001 & STE 1005

Introduces hands-on skills in a mock operating room environment. This training will include the pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative phases of surgery. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Corequisites
STE 1000, STE 1005, STE 1010

This course discusses relevant knowledge as it pertains to surgical pharmacology theory, drugs, and aspects of anesthesia. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Corequisites
STE 1000 & STE 1001

Reviews General, Obstetric/Gynocological and Urologic surgical procedures. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

STE 1005 with a grade of "C" or better

Course Corequisites
STE 1001

Reviews plastic, otorhinolaryngological, ophthalmologic and orthopedic surgical procedures. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

STE 1010 with a grade of "C" or better

Course Corequisites
STE 1001

Reviews cardiac, peripheral vascular, and neurologic surgical procedures. This course includes a review of the instruments, equipment and supplies utilized during the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative phases of these procedures. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

STE 1001 and STE 1015 with grades of "C" or better

Course Corequisites
STE 1081, STE 1082, and STE 1083

Allows Surgical Technology students to learn techniques helpful in passing the required national certification exam for surgical technology from the Association for Surgical Technologists. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

STE 1010, STE 1081, STE 1082, and STE 1083 with grades of "C" or better


Allows students to integrate theoretical concepts in a clinical surgical setting. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours.

Course Prerequisites

STE 1015 with a grade of "C" or better

Course Corequisites
STE 1020
0.25 to 6
NOTE NOTE:  a mimimum of 4 credits must be taken in STE 1081

Allows students to integrate advanced theoretical concepts in a clinical surgical setting. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technologist majors only. Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours.

Course Prerequisites

STE 1081 with a grade of "C" or better

Course Corequisites
STE 1020
0.25 to 6
NOTE 1 NOTE: a minimum of 4 credits must be taken in STE 1082

Allows students to integrate advanced theoretical concepts in a clinical surgical setting. Differential tuition rates apply. Restricted to Surgical Technolog majors only. Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours.

Course Prerequisites

STE 1082 with a grade of "C" or better

Course Corequisites
STE 1020
0.25 to 6
NOTE 2 NOTE: a minimum of 6 credits must be taken in STE 1083
Total Program Specific Credits 37
Total Credits for A.A.S. Degree 61