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Academic Support & Tutoring

Tutoring Services

Aims student working in the learning commons with a tutor

Get the Support You Need at Aims With Tutoring Services

Students can access tutoring through open drop-in hours or appointments. 

We’re excited to help you with all of your academic needs!

  • Greeley Campus Drop-in Tutoring

    Open drop-in hours are available on the Greeley campus in Student Commons 201. 
    Hours are Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. for Math through Calculus I, Writing, and Academic Coaching. 

    See tutoring appointment schedules below for additional times and subjects.

  • Fort Lupton Campus Drop-In Tutoring

    Math and writing open drop-in hours are available on the Fort Lupton campus on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

    No appointment is needed; just come in to study and work on assignments, and a tutor will be available to answer questions.

Tutoring Appointments - In-Person and Virtual

Day, evening and weekend options are available for on-campus appointments in Greeley in Student Commons 201 and for virtual appointments. 

Two students sit at a table amongst the book-stacks. They are smiling at each other

How to schedule tutoring services

1. Go to your MyApps dashboard.
2. Click on “Accudemia.”
3. Click on “Schedule Appointment” to set up a 30 or 60 minute session for academic coaching or for the subject you want tutoring.

You can also access Accudemia from the Tutoring dropdown menu in D2L to schedule appointments.

Go to MyApps to schedule tutoring services on Accudemia

Tutoring Schedules

Get Writing Support at the Aims Writing Center


Drop-In Hours

No appointment needed; just show up during these times to find writing support.

  • Greeley Campus: Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Fort Lupton campus: Tuesday 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.
  • Online: Schedule an appointment online or on the Greeley campus through Accudemia

Appointment Hours

Schedule using Accudemia via MyApps.

  • Monday and Tuesday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., online only 6-8 p.m.
  • Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • Sunday online only 12-3 p.m. 

Writing Support in Spanish

For writing assistance in Spanish, please choose Melissa as your tutor when you schedule an appointment in Accudemia.

How to prepare for your tutoring session

  • Come early in the semester. Don’t wait until midterms to see a tutor. We’d like to help you as early as possible.
  • Bring the assignment sheet or any related information (rubric, sample work, handouts, feedback, graded work, etc.) to the assignment.
  • Bring your concerns. What are your goals for the tutoring session? What are you worried about?
  • Avoid distractions. Try to do your best to focus on the tutoring session.

Tutoring Cancellation Policy

Please make every effort to attend your scheduled sessions. If you do need to miss, please cancel your session in Accudemia. If you miss more than three appointments without prior cancellation, you will not be able to make additional appointments without speaking with the program coordinator.

Hours for each subject are listed below. All available hours are both in person on the Greeley campus and online unless otherwise noted.

For Academic Support Coaching or Writing support, please see the Academic Support page.

Not finding what you need?

Find online resources at the Denver Public Library

The Denver Public Library has an option with that you can use as long as you are a resident of Colorado. You can apply for a free library ecard and use it to access free online tutoring through in a variety of subjects from 3-10 p.m. every day.