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Adult Education and English Language Learning (ELL)

Aims students on the Fort Lupton Campus in 2019

The Aims Adult Education and ELL Department Supports Your Learning Goals

Adult Education programs prepare students for college and can help you achieve academic goals and gain career advancement skills. The Adult Education and ELL Department offers programs for GED Prep, ELL classes, College Boost and Math Brush-Up. 

  • GED Prep helps you prepare for the GED exam, which demonstrates your knowledge of high school academic subject matter
  • ELL (English Language Learning) classes are for you if you'd like to improve your English language skills 
  • College Boost can help you gain the skills you need to succeed in college
  • Math Brush-Up can help you improve your math skills so you can feel confident and prepared for college math classes

You can enroll in any of the adult education courses throughout the year and start at any time. ELL classes follow the regular academic year schedule of semester courses. 

The Aims Adult Education and ELL programs can open up career and higher-education opportunities for you. Through case management, Aims staff can connect you with resources either at Aims or in the community. Aims partners with different organizations to offer students different wrap-around services such as help finding jobs, scholarship research, and more.

Note: You must be at least 17 years old to participate in these programs. If you are 17 years old, you'll need a parent/guardian signature on this intake document

GED Classes at Aims

The Aims GED Prep program is a non-traditional classroom setting where you can study for the GED exam at any time and at your own pace. The Aims Adult Learning Lab staff offers students personalized learning plans with effective instructional and personal support. With instructors fluent in both English and Spanish, you can receive instruction based on your needs and schedule. Learn with your instructor one one-on-one in the open lab environment at the Adult Learning Lab or remotely, or a combination of both. 

When you enroll in the GED program, you'll have the chance to take an initial official practice exam in each of the four subjects--language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Your initial test results will allow your instructor to create an individual learning plan based on your individual needs to help prepare you for the actual GED exams.

Aims offers extended hours in the Adult Learning Lab Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to noon (with the exception of the summer semester).

For more information, please complete the Adult Education Request Form.

English Language Learning Classes at Aims

The Aims ELL program incorporates five levels of English language acquisition, providing classes for beginning, intermediate, and advanced language learners. Each ELL course lasts a full semester, during which students receive supportive and collaborative instruction in the four areas of language acquisition (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

During the registration process, students all take a placement exam that assesses each student's knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar, as well as their listening and reading comprehension skills. The purpose of this exam is to place each student in the course best suited for their current language learning needs, ensuring each student is set up for success in our program. 

Classes are offered on Mondays and Wednesdays, or Tuesdays and Thursdays. Morning classes meet from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and evening classes meet from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A student's schedule will depend on which level they place into.

Please fill out this ELL student interest form and someone will be in contact shortly.

Start Your Education Strong With the Aims College Boost Program

The Aims College Boost program is a college-preparation program designed to help you gain the skills and confidence to prepare for college-level coursework. The program provides 12 months of personalized extended academic support to students who need further instruction to succeed in class.

College Boost is a self-study program that allows you to work at your own pace and study when you choose.

You can either enroll in College Boost to improve your skills before you take college courses or you can enroll in the program while you are taking college courses.

For more information, please complete the Adult Education Request Form.

Prepare for College Math Classes With Aims Math Brush-Up

Math Brush-Up is a is a free 10-week course for Aims students that helps prepare you for college-level math.

You can work remotely at your own pace using an individualized learning plan or in the Adult Learning Lab with instructor support.

For more information, please complete the Adult Education Request Form.

Aims Adult Education and ELL Staff

Headshot of Aims Adult Education and ESL Program Director Amber Pleasant

Amber Pleasant

Program Director II, Adult Education & ELL
Headshot of Crystal Baeza

Crystal Baeza

Program Coordinator II, Bilingual Adult Education
Christina Moreno-Villanueva

Christina Moreno-Villanueva

Bilingual Program Coordinator II, ELL