
  • From Aims CC: All Aims campuses will return to normal operations on Thursday, 2/13. More info at


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Pathway Advising

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How Pathway Advisors Help

New & Returning Students

Students are assigned an advisor with their chosen pathway once they become a student at Aims. Pathway Advisor assignments are made according to each student’s campus and declared major. 

As a new or returning student, your Pathway Advisor will work with you to:

  • Explain various educational pathways
  • Confirm your academic and career goals
  • Identify classes that will meet those goals
  • Assist with the online registration process
  • Inform you of important campus and community resources helpful for your success

Planning to transfer to the University of Northern Colorado after Aims? Connect with the Aims2UNC transition program today!

Are you a newly admitted high school student planning to take Aims courses while in high school? Connect with a high school to Aims (HS2Aims) success coach.

Current Students

It is recommended that current students meet with their Pathway Advisor at least once each semester. 

During these appointments, a Pathway Advisor can assist you with the following:

  • Short-term and long-term goal setting
  • Developing an education plan that outlines your courses all the way to graduation
  • Learning graduation requirements and other policies/procedures of Aims Community College
  • Monitoring and discussing your academic progress
  • Referring you to academic, career, financial, social, and wellness resources that may assist you
  • Discussing any concerns or obstacles, you are facing during the semester and helping you get back on track
  • Connecting with a faculty mentor in your area of study as well as leadership and experiential learning opportunities
  • Academic probation and suspension recovery