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Disability Access Services

Apply For Accommodations

Disability Access Services (DAS) looks forward to setting you up with the necessary accommodations required to help you have equal access at Aims. To start receiving these services, you will first need to make an appointment with DAS and provide documentation of your disability.

New Students

Disability Access Services must be involved in the process of arranging accommodations and services for a new student with a disability seeking access to an educational program.

  1. Schedule an Intake Meeting by contacting the DAS Office to complete the application paperwork.
  2. Provide appropriate documentation which establishes the existence of a disability (states the diagnosis) and supports the request for academic accommodations, services, and/or auxiliary aids.
  3. Work collaboratively with the DAS Office and instructors to request and implement accommodations.

New students or students requesting academic accommodations, services, and/or auxiliary aids for the first time must contact the DAS Office to schedule an in-person Intake Meeting and complete the appropriate forms. 

If an appointment is required at a campus location other than the Greeley campus, DAS is able to do so with advanced notice (or by phone or email if needed). Documentation of a disability will be requested at the time of the appointment, so please bring those with you. Copies of the documentation will be made and originals will be returned to you. 

If you do not have documentation but believe you qualify for services, please contact the DAS Office to find out how you can obtain the necessary documents. Temporary accommodations may be arranged for that term, depending on the situation

Returning Students

Returning students must request accommodations each semester. If accommodations are different than in previous semesters, an appointment may be necessary. Reach out to DAS to discuss.

To request continued accommodations each semester, please call, text, or email the DAS Office requesting letters to be sent to your current professors.

Other Accommodation Requests

Books in an Alternative Format

If a student qualifies for books in an alternative format, the student can request such textbooks at the time of the initial intake meeting with the DAS Office. Returning students who have already qualified to receive books in an alternative format can send an email request regarding the books needed for each new semester to the DAS Office.

Book requests may take up to five weeks or longer for the DAS Office to obtain, so it is recommended that students request books as soon as possible. 

Students who make requests for alternative format textbooks must provide proof of ownership (by purchasing the original format) before alternative format files can be provided. If changes to classes and/or schedules are made, please contact DAS immediately to ensure the correct textbooks are requested. 

Sign Language Interpreter or CART

Sign Language Interpreters and/or Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services are provided for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. These services are available for both classes and on-campus activities such as club meetings, advisory appointments, tutoring, etc. 

Services For Classes

To schedule sign language or CART services for classes, please make an appointment to request semester accommodations with the DAS Office or fill out the Request for Sign Language Interpreter or CART Services form below.

Request for Sign Language Interpreter or CART Services

To request services for any on-campus activity, please complete the following form. As much advance notice as possible is encouraged and requests made with less than 24-hour notice may not be fulfilled.