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Registration and Records


Tuition Classification is regulated by Colorado state law (Title 23, Article 7, of the Colorado Revised Statues) and by judicial decision that apply to all public institutions of higher learning in Colorado. These statues are subject to change at any time and the college does not have the discretion to make exceptions to the regulation except as prescribed by state law.     

Tuition Classification is a process that defines a student's residency status which affects what rate a student will pay during their journey through Aims Community College. Residency status can change from one semester to another upon request and with the submission of necessary forms and documentation. Students have the option to be classified as any of the following statuses: In-District, In-State (Out-of-District), Western Undergrad Exchange (W.U.E.), or Out-of-State.

Residency status for students under 23 years old will be based off of parent or legal guardian information. Residency for students who are 23 years of age or older (or who are under 23 years old, but have been married for a full year or who are under 23 and have been legally emancipated) will be based off of the student's information.

In general, to be awarded In-State residency, the qualifying individual (either student or parent/legal guardian) must be physically present in the the state of Colorado for 365 days before the first day of the student's classes and must have taken steps to make Colorado their permanent home (i.e. made ties to the state such as getting a driver’s license, filing Colorado state taxes, etc.). 

In addition, students who live in the Aims tax district may qualify for the In-District residency type as well.

Note that residency statuses cannot be changed retroactively and all residency changes for a specific term must be completed prior to the main drop deadline (see academic calendar). If you are unable to provide needed residency information, you may be coded as an Out-of-State residency status and will pay Out-of-State rates until the required forms and/or documentation have been submitted to the Registration & Records office.