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Student Life

Arty's Pantry

Students at the Arty's Pantry in the Student Commons

A Free Resource for Aims Students

As an Aims student, you should be able to concentrate on your studies, plan for the semester, and not worry about how you will get your next meal. The Arty's Pantry program helps ensure that all Aims students can access food and the basic supplies they need to succeed.

Arty's Pantry offers online ordering. Choose your pick-up location and time on the form and then show up to pick up your items. It's that easy! 

Pick-up is available at the Greeley, Windsor, Fort Lupton and Loveland campuses.

Questions about how the program works or how to order food or supplies? Email Arty's Pantry.

Support Arty's Pantry

Provided by the Student Life Department, Arty's Pantry is funded by various grants and the generous donations from Aims staff, faculty and the greater community. 

For information on how you can support Arty’s Pantry, please email Arty's Pantry

Donations are gratefully accepted at the pantry in the Student Commons on the Greeley Campus.

You can also make a financial donation through the Aims Foundation.

Arty's Pantry logo of Arty the Aardvark on a red apple with a green stem next to the Aims logo and the tagline "All in."

Arty's Pantry Pickup Locations

Arty’s Pantry Policy

  • Arty’s Pantry is open to currently enrolled, student fee paying students.
  • Students can order from Arty's Pantry once per week.
  • Students must present their Aims student ID and agree to the assessment agreement as part of the service.
  • Arty's Pantry is not available to Aims employees except for work study positions and part-time employees who are enrolled in more than 6 credits per semester.

Contact Arty's Pantry

Head shot of Patty Schulz

Patty Schulz

Program Coordinator
Hunger Free Campus
Student Life

Hunger-Free Campus Student Advisory Council


Get Involved!

Join the Hunger-Free Student Advisory Council and help find ways to address food insecurity at Aims. All students are welcome to attend the monthly meetings.

Weld Food Bank Farms to Families Fresh Food Truck at Aims Weld County Campuses

Aims Students are invited to come out and pick up fresh fruits, veggies, and more! Click on your campus below for dates.

* first come, first served basis - while supplies last

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Additional Community Food Resources

If you are an Aims student who is experiencing food insecurity, there are other community resources available to help.