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Headshot of Aims Fire Science and Public Safety instructor Warren Jones

Warren Jones

Part-Time Faculty, Public Safety

Warren Jones is a retired fire service and local government professional. He holds an associate degree from Oklahoma State University and earned a bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. from CSU.

In his 50-year career in public service he served in almost every position at Poudre Fire Authority over 27 years, served as Fire Chief/CEO of the Evans Fire District and as Executive Director of the Front Range Fire Consortium. He has also served in several roles as an interim Fire Chief and at Aims Community College as Director of the Public Safety Institute. As an adjunct faculty member at CSU, he taught for many years in the Fire and Emergency Services Administration Program and currently teaches in a similar program at Aims.

Warren and his wife Susan Hewitt live in Glacier View Meadows in Northwest Larimer County near Red Feather Lakes. Both he and Susan are retired volunteer firefighters and EMTs for the Glacier View Fire District and he served as Fire Chief twice. He currently serves as Vice President of the GVFD Board of Directors.

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