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Aims Community College Introduces Reisher Bridge Scholars Program

Aims Community College announces the launch of the Reisher Bridge Scholars Program, an initiative to assist students in completing their associate degrees and support these students as they transfer to a four-year partner institution.

students walking in hallway of Fort Lupton Campus

Approximately 54 percent of Aims students continue their education at a four-year college or university. 

"I'm excited that the Reisher Bridge Scholars Program provides both financial assistance and comprehensive support services," said John W. Haefeli, a member of the Aims Board of Trustees.  "It ensures a seamless and supportive educational journey for our scholars."

The program, which begins each fall, spans two semesters. To be eligible, applicants must meet the specified requirements at the end of the previous spring or summer term.  

As a participant in the Reisher Bridge Scholars Program, students benefit from a range of support services and resources. These include personalized transfer coaching, opportunities to enhance financial literacy and preparedness skills, and the chance to foster community connections among peers. Additionally, students receive up to $3,000 in scholarship support during their final year at Aims. 

They also have direct access to staff and resources at Reisher 4-year partner institutions:

Students meeting in an outdoor classroom
  • Colorado Mesa University
  • Colorado State University (Fort Collins & Pueblo)
  • Fort Lewis College
  • Metropolitan State University of Denver
  • University of Colorado (Denver & Colorado Springs)
  • University of Northern Colorado
  • Western Colorado University

This includes assistance completing transfer-related applications, including admissions, FAFSA,  and other scholarship opportunities. Once students successfully transfer, they become eligible for an additional Reisher Scholarship.

Reisher Scholars logo

The Denver Foundation supports the Reisher family in managing the Reisher Scholars Program. "We are excited to partner with Aims," says Josh Ryines, the Reisher Scholarship officer at The Denver Foundation. "The goal of the Reisher Bridge Scholarship Program is to create more opportunities for students who are eligible to transfer to four-year Reisher institutions. Ensuring students are connected to the right resources is key, and Aims Community College has a comprehensive understanding and unwavering dedication to its students."

For more information about the Reisher Bridge Scholars Program at Aims, please visit