Aims Community College’s Film and Animation Showcase, celebrating 20 years of animation, features original student work across genres. Join free screenings November 8-9 at Ed Beaty Hall Theater in Greeley. Highlights include animation student Eli Newshott and video graduate Erik Schmidt sharing their passion and creative journeys.
As part of its mission to create equitable opportunities, Aims Community College is launching new initiatives and celebrating the accomplishments of its first-gen student population. From joining the FirstGen Forward Network to enhancing TRIO services, Aims is taking steps to empower students to break new ground in higher education.
Aims Community College invites the community to our public events. Join us for these upcoming events on Aims campuses. Events are free unless otherwise noted. Enjoy arts, animation, acting and much more!
The Seeds program at Aims Community College helps students like Adriana Madrid Flores and Jeremiah Silva overcome self-doubt and embrace their strengths through leadership workshops, mentorship, and personal development.
Chris Bentley has a mission to help others. With a passion for nonprofit work, he dreams of creating lasting change in underserved communities worldwide. He is on a journey that begins in Greeley and strives to make a global impact.