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College president and community members at ribbon cutting


  • Arty Mascot posing with food donations in a truck

    Aims Community College Goes All In to Fight Hunger

    November 16, 2022
    During the holiday season, and throughout the year, Aims Community College makes it a priority to support students and the community when it comes to food security. This month, Aims is providing a number of Thanksgiving meal kits to students who need them and Aims employees are volunteering at the Weld County Food Bank. These are just a few of the ever-expanding efforts the college has adopted in recent years.
  • UAS Crew preparing for Toyota Commercial Filming

    Aims Community College Students Film Drone Footage for Regional Toyota Commercial

    November 11, 2022
    Aims Community College students shot drone footage for two regional Toyota commercials this year. This opportunity allowed students to work with state-of-the-art equipment to create a professional-level production for a major national brand. Projects like this provide Aims students with professional and portfolio-building experiences that set them up to be marketable in the workforce. 
  • Children at Aviation Day with Airplanes in their hands

    Aims Awarded Colorado Aviation Education Grant

    October 17, 2022
    Aims Community College was awarded $50,000 from the Colorado Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics. This funding supports the creation of a mobile aviation lab with industry equipment to promote careers in aviation and aerospace among Colorado K-12 students.