For all testing listed below contact or 970-339-6533
Contact Info
Related Links
Testing Center
Exams Administered
- Academic -
- GED - 303-857-4022
- BIO 1005 & 1111 Test-Out Exams - 303-857-4022
- Spanish/French Language Placement - 303-857-4022
- Accuplacer - 303-857-4022
- CDL -
- Academic -
- BIO 1005 & 1111 Test-Out Exams - 970-667-4600
- Spanish/French Language Placement - 970-667-4600
- Accuplacer - 970-667-4600
- Academic, BIO 1005 & 1111 Test-Out Exams - or 970-378-3520
- Spanish/French Language Placement - or 970-378-3520
- Accuplacer - or 970-378-3520
- CPAT -
- NTN - or 970-339-6246
Quick Links
- Accuplacer Study Resources
- ASE Automotive Service Excellence Certification Exams
- BIO 1005 & BIO 1111 Test-Out Exams
- College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Course Challenge Procedure
- DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests)
- FAA Federal Aviation Administration
- French Language Placement Exam
- MOS Microsoft Office Specialist Certification
- Meazure Learning
- National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) Certifications
- PSI Talent Measurement
- Pearson VUE
- Spanish Language Placement Exam
- Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
- WorkKeys Assessments - ACT
The ACCUPLACER test evaluates skills in reading, writing, and math. However, very few programs at Aims require the ACCUPLACER for admission. Before taking the ACCUPLACER, please discuss it with your Aims advisor for clarification.
Aims utilizes a multiple-measures approach when considering class/course placement; providing transcripts and/or score reports can be used as guidance for college-level placement in English and math courses.
All transcripts should be submitted to College transcripts must be official.
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Section List
- Reading
- Writing
- Math Branch
- Arithmetic
- Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, & Statistics
- Advanced Algebra and Functions
- WritePlacer Essay
Next-Generation Accuplacer sections used for Aims students.
- Writing
- Math Branch which may include one or two of the following:
- Arithmetic
- Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, & Statistics
- Advanced Algebra and Functions
Aims Accuplacer Testing Policy:
- The first attempt is free. Virtual testing requires a proctoring fee (see, To take the Accuplacer virtually, below).
- Retesting costs $5.00 per section
- A retest can be taken as soon as the next business day
- Subsequent retest attempts require a 90-day wait per section
- Each Accuplacer section can be taken 5 times in 2 years
- A test result score report will be immediately available
- Calculators are not allowed during testing
To take the Accuplacer virtually:
From your Aims email, send a request to for a virtual Accuplacer voucher or for more information.
A proctoring fee of $28, per testing voucher, will be collected prior to generating a testing voucher.
ACCUPLACER Study Resources:
- ACCUPLACER free study app
- Collegeboard Next Generation ACCUPLACER practice questions
- Longsdale ACCUPLACER Study Guide and Practice Tests - Instructions to get the School Number and Key.
Get a copy of your Accuplacer Score Report:
- Click YOUR ACCUPLACER SCORE REPORT, fill out the requested information, click SEARCH and then SEND REPORTS.
- You will see the email address you used when you took the exam. Check the email and click VIEW ISR (Individual Score Report).
- This will open a new webpage where you can view and download your ISR's.
ACCUPLACER Study Resources:
Since 1972, ASE, or The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, has offered certification exams for automotive professionals. The website offers test prep practice exams and training, as well as an EPA-authorized Section 609 program for refrigerant recovery and recycling and student Entry-Level Certification exams.
All exam registration takes place through ASE.
Please contact your advisor to discuss Biology test out. Exams are free, only for Aims students and no credit is earned by taking the exams.
The BIO Test-Out exams were created to give Aims students, with prior knowledge, the opportunity to place into a BIO course without completing the BIO 1005 or BIO 1111 prerequisite courses. Therefore, no study materials are offered as it is expected that your knowledge is adequate to score a minimum of 70% to demonstrate competency.
PLEASE NOTE: Since the BIO111 test-out exam can only be taken once in a lifetime, it is recommended that the BIO1005 test-out exam is taken first, unless you are currently enrolled in or have recently completed BIO 105 successfully. Then;
- If you pass, you can skip BIO1005 course.
- If you don’t pass, you will need to start with a BIO1005 course.
Consequently, if you take the BIO1111 test-out first, and fail, you will not have the option to test out of BIO111 once you have completed a BIO1005 course.
BIO 1005
This exam can be taken once every two years.
- 100 multiple-choice questions.
- Exam time limit: 100 minutes (1 hour 40 min.).
- A score of 70% is required.
BIO 1111
This exam can be taken only once.
- 100 multiple-choice questions.
- Exam time limit: 2 hours
- A score of 70% is required.
CLEP is a group of standardized exams that assess college-level knowledge in thirty-six subject areas and provide a mechanism for earning college credits without taking college courses. For more information visit the CLEP website.
Before planning to take the CLEP, check with your institution to be sure that the CLEP exam subject is accepted and what score is needed to earn credit. Aims Community College Credit for Standardized Testing
A proctoring fee of $25 will be paid on the day of testing. Students using CLEP for Aims Community College credit are exempt from this fee.
Please register and pay for the exam on the CLEP website prior to testing. Print the registration ticket and bring to your appointment.
A student may challenge a course for which the student believes his or her prior training and/or study are adequate to meet the instructor’s course requirements. Only certain courses are available for this option. Please visit the Prior Learning Experience Credit page for more information about how to challenge a course.
The DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) offer a cost-efficient, time-saving way to receive college credit. DSST Exams are an extensive series of exams in college subjects that are comparable to the final or end-of-course exams in undergraduate courses. For more information go to the DSST website.
Before Planning to take the DSST, check with your institution to be sure that the DSST exam subject is accepted and what score is needed to earn credit. Aims Community College Credit for Standardized Testing
A proctoring fee of $25 will be paid on the day of testing. Students using DSST for Aims Community College credit are exempt from this fee.
The exam fee, which covers the test and scoring services, is paid electronically via the computer system on the date of the testing session.
Federal Aviation Administration testing is provided through PSI.
Please register and schedule appointments at
Please Note: You must possess and provide an acceptable form of identification. This identification must include a valid and current physical/residential address. Addresses written on the back of an ID are NOT acceptable. A form of address verification must be provided to test.
Please see page 4 - list of Acceptable Forms of Applicant Address Verification.
The French placement exam was created to give Aims students, with prior knowledge, the opportunity to place into a FRE 1012 course without completing the FRE 1011 prerequisite course.
Please contact your advisor, or the World Languages Department Chair, to discuss French course placement.
The exam is free, only for Aims students, and no credit is earned by taking the exam. It is untimed and can only be taken once.
The exam consists of 33 multiple choice questions directly related to the language structures and grammar covered in the French 1011 and 1012 courses.
Placement Determination: A score of at least 25 indicates placement into FRE 1012.
GED is a program for students to develop skills and earn a high school equivalency diploma. Get started today at
- Create a free account
- Study
- Schedule an exam
- Request an official transcript
Testers can take the GED at the Greeley or Fort Lupton Campus Testing Centers, but must schedule through the GED website.
If you would like to take a GED Prep course, Aims offers a program through the Adult Learning Lab.
Appointments and Registration:
- Same-day HESI testing will not be allowed. Please plan accordingly.
- If you do not have an Evolve Elsevier account, you must create one. This can be done at Please check your email for your Evolve Elsevier HESI testing username and password. You will use this login on test day.
- Once you have created an Evolve Elsevier account, please email the Testing Center at in order to schedule a testing appointment.
- If you are planning on testing during the last week of the application period, please make sure to reach out for an appointment by the previous week.
Exam Content Areas for Aims Nursing Program:
Aims Nursing Program requires the following three areas of the HESI A2:
- Reading Comprehension (60 questions)
- Vocabulary and General Knowledge (50 questions)
- Math (50 questions)
The recommended pace for answering is one minute per question.
Study Materials:
A study guide is available for purchase at Admission Assessment Exam Review, 5th Edition. Study guides may also be purchased from the Aims Bookstore or accessed through the Aims Kiefer Library.
Cost and Details of the HESI A2 Exam Packages:
HESI A2 testing is non-refundable!
Aims Package:
- $50
- 3 Hour Time Limit
- Includes ONLY: Reading, Vocabulary & General Knowledge, and Math
Full Package:
- $85
- 6 Hour Time Limit
- Includes ALL HESI A2 test sections: Critical Thinking, Learning Styles, Personality Styles, Reading, Vocabulary and General Knowledge, Math, Grammar, Chemistry, Biology, and Anatomy and Physiology.
- Testers may pick and choose which sections to take as required by the nursing programs applying to.
Please Note: Prices are subject to change. Contact the Testing Center for more specifics.
Score Results:
Please contact the Aims Nursing Department regarding minimum scoring required.
Score reports can be printed before leaving the Testing Center, or accessed from your Evolve Elsevier account, after completion of the exam.
Aims Nursing Program Timeline, Retakes and Outside Score Reports.
Timeframe: To apply for Fall 2025 admission, the HESI A2 test can be taken between August 1, 2024 and May 9, 2025. The HESI may only be taken ONCE during the August-May application period.
The LAST DAY to take the HESI A2 is Friday May 9th, 2025! Nursing applications are due by Friday May 9th at 3:00 pm.
- If you are planning on testing during the last week of the application period, please make sure to reach out for an appointment by the previous week.
Retakes: If scores are less than five years old, retesting is only needed to improve the scores. HESI exam scores cannot be older than 5 years by May 9th, 2025.
- All sections must be retaken in one session. Scores cannot be combined from multiple score reports.
- If you have taken the HESI A2 within the current application timeframe, at Aims or at a different institution, you cannot take it again until the following application period.
Score reports from other institutions used for the Aims Nursing Program:
Students may submit a score report from another institution if;
- the HESI has been taken within 5 years of the application deadline,
- have met Aims Nursing cut scores,
- and have taken all the sections required by Aims in one sitting. Applicants cannot combine score reports to meet Aims Nursing requirements.
Measure Learning provides secure, accessible assessment solutions through flexible technology, personalized service, industry expertise, and an extensive infrastructure.
All exam registration takes place through Measure Learning.
Certiport® is currently recognized as the global leader in providing performance-based certification exams for the Microsoft Office Suite. The Aims Testing Center has joined forces with Certiport® to provide Microsoft® Office Specialist exams.
Being certified as a Microsoft® Office Specialist indicates that you have demonstrated competence and skills in one or more of the latest Microsoft® Office products. MOS certification not only reflects your current computing skills, but it will also help you advance your career opportunities.
Please note that the MOS certifications are primarily for those seeking employment in office environments where using Microsoft® Office products is an important part of the job responsibilities.
The Aims Testing Center offers the following MOS certifications:
- Word 2016, 2019
- PowerPoint® 2016, 2019
- Excel® 2016, 2019
- Outlook® 2016, 2019
- Access® 2016, 2019
- Microsoft 365 Apps
Purchase a testing voucher here. A proctoring fee of $25 will be paid on the day of testing. Students using MOS for certain Aims courses are exempt from this fee.
The Greeley Campus Testing Center offers a National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) certification testing for Aims Community College students and the public.
The National Center for Competency Testing is an organization that offers certifications in a variety of healthcare professions, including medical assistants, medical office assistants, insurance and coding specialists, ECG technicians, phlebotomy technicians, patient care technicians, and postsecondary instructors, and surgical technicians.
You can contact NCCT directly by phone, or you can visit NCCT’s website for more information on specific certification exams and study resources.
National Center for Competency Testing:
Phone: (800) 875-4404
Fax: (913) 498-1243
For Aims Students
If you are an Aims student, but have not yet received a diploma or certificate in the area you are testing for, you will need to complete the NCCT application process at the Greeley Campus Testing Center. The process takes about 15 minutes, but please call ahead to schedule an appointment.
If you have already received a diploma, degree or certificate in the area you are testing for, you will complete the entire application process on NCCT’s website.
The $45 proctoring fee is waived for Aims students.
For the Public
If you are not an Aims student, you can still take an NCCT certification exam at the Aims Testing Center.
You will need to visit NCCT’s website and complete the application process.
Be aware that a proctoring fee of $45 will be collected on the day of testing for all NCCT testers who are not Aims students.
Testing Dates for NCCT Testing
When scheduling an exam date, NCCT requires at least 14 days of advance registration. Make sure to plan ahead.
Thursdays at 11 a.m. - Please arrive at least 15 minutes early.
- February 6th, 20th
- March 6th, 20th
- April 3rd, 17th
- May 1st, 22nd
The Aims Community College Greeley Campus Testing Center offers testing for PSI Talent Measurement (formerly PAN - Performance Assessment Network).
These computer-based examinations include pre-employment tests for:
- TSA (Transportation Security Administration)
- OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)
- FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations)
- CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection)
- And many other industries
Aims Community College Greeley Campus Testing Center is an authorized Pearson | VUE test center. To search for an exam visit the Pearson | VUE website.
The Spanish placement exam was created to give Aims students, with prior knowledge, the opportunity to place into a SPA 1012 course without completing the SPA 1011 prerequisite course.
Please contact your advisor, or the World Languages Department Chair, to discuss Spanish course placement.
The exam is free, only for Aims students, and no credit is earned by taking the exam. It can only be taken once.
The assessment allows 30 minutes to complete and consists of;
- A listening portion
- True/False and multiple-choice questions
- A writing/short answer portion
Placement Determination: The score results will be sent to a student provided email. A score of at least 70 indicates placement into SPA 1012.
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is a diagnostic test designed to provide assessment data regarding a student’s overall academic preparedness for nursing-related content.
For more information go to ATI/TEAS website, but do not register there to take the exam. Please call (970) 339-6533 or email to schedule an appointment.
The cost of the exam must be paid on the day of the exam.
ACT WorkKeys measures foundational skills required for success in the workplace and helps measure the workplace skills that can affect job performance. Assessments are web-based and are offered in both English and Spanish.
Each assessment offers varying levels of difficulty. The levels build on each other, incorporating the skills assessed at the previous levels.
WorkKeys Assessments testing is by appointment only at the Greeley Testing Center. There is a $25 proctoring fee per test section to be paid on the day of testing.
Please contact the Testing Center to make an appointment or for more information.
In the event that we are unable to proctor for the date/time you need, you can find other Workkeys testing sites.
WorkKeys Assessments Available
- Applied Math - Required for the NCRC
- Graphic Literacy - Required for the NCRC
- Workplace Documents - Required for the NCRC
- Applied Technology
- Business Writing
- Workplace Observation
- Fit
- Talent
WorkKeys Study Resources
Earning the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
Individuals who achieve a Level Score of 3 or better on Workkeys in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy and Workplace Documents, may earn the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate. This is a credential that verifies the skills found to be most essential across industries and occupations.
Please use this Quick Start Guide for information to access and manage your NCRC and to find information about creating a certificate.