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The Resource Library hosts all the documents for the website as well as web form links. Use the filter tool on this page to narrow your search down by title, tags, degree and more. Some resources are viewable only to employees, staff or students so make sure you are logged into the website to view all results.

Name Type Audience
10 Composition and Terms of the Board Policy/Procedure
11 Trustee Elections and Trustee District Boundaries Policy/Procedure
11-01 Trustee Elections Procedure Policy/Procedure
12 Board Officer Elections and Responsibilities Policy/Procedure
13 Trustee Vacancies Policy/Procedure
14 Presentations from Guests and Representatives to the Board Policy/Procedure
14-01 Presentations from Guests and Representatives to the Board Procedure Policy/Procedure
15 Conflict of Interest Policy/Procedure
15-01 Conflict of Interest Procedure Policy/Procedure
16 Code of Ethics Policy/Procedure
16-01 Code of Conduct & Code of Ethics Procedure Policy/Procedure
17 Insurance and Indemnification Policy/Procedure
18 Compensation, Reimbursement, and Travel Policy/Procedure
18-01 Reimbursement and Travel Procedure Policy/Procedure
19 Board Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities Policy/Procedure
20 Individual Trustee Authority Policy/Procedure
24 Code of Conduct Policy/Procedure
60 Communication Among Trustees Policy/Procedure
61 Communication with College Employees Policy/Procedure
62 Media Policy/Procedure
63 Distinguished Fellow Award Policy/Procedure
63-01 Distinguished Fellow Award Procedure Policy/Procedure
72 College CEO/President Evaluation and Contract Review Policy/Procedure
73 Accreditation Policy/Procedure
74-01 Shared Governance Procedure Policy/Procedure
75 Strategic Planning Policy/Procedure
80 New Trustee Orientation Policy/Procedure
81 Professional Development Policy/Procedure
82 Board Retreat Policy/Procedure
83 Annual Priorities Policy/Procedure
84-01 Board Self-Evaluation Procedure Policy/Procedure