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Dean of Students

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Summer Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

The Dean of Students Office provides and supports services and resources that ensure a safe, positive and accessible learning experience for students and all members of the college community.

The office employs a multi-pronged team approach to campus safety, which includes: 

  • The Student Code of Conduct
  • Behavioral Interventions
  • Public Safety
  • Coordinated Assistance and Resource Education (CARE) Team

The Dean of Students Office, Campus Safety and Title IX Compliance work together to promote civility and Aims community standards.

Any act which interferes with the learning process, rights of others, disrupts or impairs the normal functioning of the college, damages or destroys property, or impairs health or safety is grounds for disciplinary action. 

Coordinated Assistance and Resource Education (CARE)

The CARE team is dedicated to assisting all members of the college community in responding to students in distress while providing critical campus and community resources. CARE services can be both formal and informal and may include outreach on behalf of a student to faculty or other campus partners, connecting students with appropriate campus or community resources, or simply checking in with a student to offer guidance and support, among other actions.

Refer a student in distress to appropriate campus and community resources, including on-campus mental health counseling services.

Student Informal Complaint

A student who has a complaint, issue, concern or problem with a college employee, department, another student or an instructional situation should attempt to visit with the individual or office to find a resolution. 

If a student has attempted to resolve a situation and feels they need support to resolve a situation they should complete the online Student Informal Complaint report. Once a report has been submitted, the student will be contacted to set up a meeting with a complaint process liaison. More information about the Student Informal Complaint process can be found here.

If working with and through the Informal Complaint process does not lead to a resolution, the student will be referred to another institutional process.

Report a Concern or Incident

Aims Dean of Students is dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of the college community. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to report matters regarding discrimination, harassment, student behavior, student well-being, sexual misconduct, student grievance & complaints and safety & security concerns.

Find reporting options here.

To request pregnancy accommodations, please call 970-339-6565 or email

Dean of Students Office Staff

Aims Dean of Students staff is dedicated to connecting students and members of the college with the services and resources that ensure a safe, positive and accessible learning experience.