- Applying for careers at Aims must be done online. Paper applications or unsolicited applications are not accepted. We only accept applications for job openings.
- Open an internet browser (Chrome or FireFox work best) and go to the Aims Careers page.
- You may search or browse through the available job postings and if you see one that interests you, click “Apply for this Job.”
Contact Info
Main Employee Services

Contact Info
Employee Services
Apply For Aims Jobs
- If you are new to applying at Aims, you will need to create an account.
- If you upload your resume, many of the fields will fill in automatically. (Remove graphic images from your resume before uploading)
- All fields with a ‘red star’ are required to be completed.
- There are five sections of the application. Fields with a ‘star’ are required to be completed. For full consideration you must complete the application in full.
- Do not state: See Resume.
- Clearly document your employment history job duties that relate to the posting job duties and responsibilities, minimum and preferred qualifications.
- The Applicant Documents section of the application will list what documents are required to be uploaded before you can submit your application.
- Cover letters and resumes are required for all jobs at Aims. Diversity Statements are also required with the exception of work-study positions. A diversity statement is your own personal statement on diversity and how this might relate to the job.
- Transcripts are required for teaching, tutoring or positions which require a degree. Although transcripts may be listed as an optional document for a particular posting, it will be to your advantage to attach them. Official transcripts will be required if hired. Applicants who have earned degrees outside of the United States must provide a credential evaluation as part of the uploaded documents.
- Each attachment cannot exceed 10MB.
- When you have completed all sections of the application, you will have an opportunity to check for errors through the system and correct them.
- After certifying and submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation number and email.
- If you wish to apply for another position, you will need to repeat this process, however it will be much simpler as much of the information will copy over. You need to review and revise your application information and materials as it pertains to the new job posting.