Anyone wishing to pursue the procurement or implementation of new software or technology processes will need to fill out the form linked below.
Information Technology
Requesting New Technology
In order to help Aims utilize existing technology more effectively as well as learn and grow together as a "college-wide" team, the New Technology Discovery form should be completed when considering new software, apps, or technology.
Before doing so, employees should first collaborate as needed with the department Chair, Director, Dean, or VP regarding the new technology.
The goal of this form is to:
- Help determine whether a technology is in use
- Provide someone who can assist in adapting the new technology to current systems
- Record what technologies did not meet staff members’ needs and why
This form is used when a department would like to:
- Pursue the procurement and implementation of new software
- Significantly expand the functionality of existing software
- Adopt technology to assist with business processes
Some examples could include:
- Automation of repetitive tasks
- Digitizing paper processes
- Expanded use of Banner functionality
- Procurement and implementation of new software that would impact a large group of people (an entire department, program or division, etc.) or needs to integrate with existing software
Once your initiation request has been submitted, you will be contacted by an IT employee to develop a mutually beneficial project timeline. Also, depending on the size and scope of the request, IT might perform an informal project requirements scope.