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Institutional Research

Institution and Student Data Reports

Here you will find the institution and student reports prepared from data collected by the Institutional Research & Assessment office. From enrollment updates to mandatory state and federal reporting and documentation archives, follow the links below to explore all of the currently available data. 

Institution Data

In this section, you can find data regarding Aims Community College, including Common Data Set (CDS) information, mandated federal reporting (IPEDS), mandated state reporting (SURDS), peer comparisons, and other external reporting that provides institution-wide data.

Common Data Set (CDS)

The Common Data Set is a list of information collected by the publishers of many college guides. It includes policies, deadlines, enrollment information, transfer information and other information regarding students and the institution. Aims Community College submits the data contained in the Common Data Set to The College Board, Wintergreen Orchard House and the ACT guides and surveys.

College Board

College Board connects students to college success and opportunity.  The link below provides information on Aims Community College such as admissions, academics, costs and campus life.

Comparative Reporting

National Community College Benchmark Project

The National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP) is a resource in the assessment of core indicators of institutional effectiveness. The NCCBP provides 150 nationally accepted benchmarks developed by community college researchers with which institutions can compare their performance against peer institutions and identify areas of improvement.

Comparative Databases

Much of the data reported by the office of Institutional Research and Assessment can be found in official databases in order to compare Aims Community College to our peers. Below are links to federal and state databases. 

Voluntary Framework of Accountability (VFA)

The VFA is the principle accountability framework for community colleges with measures defined to encompass the full breadth of the community college mission and the diversity of students' goals and educational experiences. The mission-appropriate measures determine how well community colleges are serving students; provide colleges the ability to identify problems and set goals for institutional improvement; and be properly accountable to stakeholders.

Mandated State and Federal Reporting

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System of the U.S. Department of Education is a compilation of interrelated data which all institutions that participate in federal student financial aid programs are required to report. 

Institutional Characteristics

Tuition and fees, overall enrollment, types of programs and more.  

Fall Enrollment Summary

Enrollment by student level, gender, ethnicity. Data are from the end of the fall term.

12-Month Enrollment Summary

Unduplicated count over a 12-month period, estimated FTE (full-time equivalent). 


Degrees awarded by CIP code, type of program, award level, gender, and ethnicity (prior year). 


Revenues, expenditures, net assets, etc.

Graduation Rates

100%, 150% and 200% graduation rates.

Student Financial Aid

Number of recipients, type of financial aid, etc.

Human Resources

Number and type of staff, salaries, etc.

Student Unit Record Data System (SURDS)

SURDS files are the official source of data for public postsecondary education in Colorado and were developed in 1985 to support the development of statewide admission standards. 

Semester Enrollment

All students enrolled in courses awarded credit toward a formal award.

Degrees Awarded

All students who have received a formal award during the report year.

Student Course Enrollment

Courses taken by students for credit toward a formal award

Full-Year Financial Aid

All students who are enrolled with a FAFSA and applied for or received aid.

Undergraduate Applicant

All students who applied to the institution during a semester.

Economic Impact

This is a study that measures the economic impact created by Aims on the business community and the benefits the college generates in return for the investments made by its  key stakeholder groups. The key stakeholders are students, taxpayers and society. The EMSI report presents the analysis and findings on Economic Impact and Investment.

Student Data

In this section, you can find data and information regarding surveys and reports on student satisfaction, such as the Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory, as well as enrollment reports compiled each semester.

Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory

Every two years, the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) measures student satisfaction and priorities, showing how satisfied students are, as well as which issues are important to them. 

Enrollment Reports by Semester

The Institutional Research and Assessment office reports enrollment figures throughout each semester with the main reports compiled for a census report (Day 15 of the term) and a final report (compiled after the end of the term). 

At multiple points throughout the years, the Institutional Research and Assessment office has changed  the formatting of these files and the type of reports produced for the files. Therefore, the type of reports available under each term might change between certain years. Please do not hesitate to contact the Institutional Research and Assessment office for further explanation of the contents of the semester enrollment files.