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Aims Scholars Scholarship FAQ

This page answers commonly asked questions about the Aims Scholars Scholarship. Click on the links in the sidebar to view the questions and answers for other financial aid-related topics.

Do I have to apply for this scholarship each semester?

No, students do not have to apply for the Aims Scholars Scholarship. If eligible you should automatically receive this scholarship after the drop deadline for the semester. If you did not receive this scholarship and you think you are qualified, please email


Is everyone who qualifies awarded this scholarship?

Scholarships are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to funds availability.


What are UG credits?

UG credits are undergraduate credits earned for college-level classes with a course number of 100 or above.


Why was I only paid a portion of the scholarship amount?

This scholarship is adjusted according to the credit hours enrolled. i.e., if enrolled in 6 credits (half-time) you will receive one-half of the total scholarship award for the semester.


Will I receive the Aims Scholars Scholarship if I have received the Aims Opportunity scholarship?

Yes, you can receive both the Aims Scholars Scholarship and the Aims Opportunity Scholarship.


Do I have to be making good Satisfactory Academic Progress to be eligible for this scholarship?

Your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status must be Good, Warning, Probation or ACPLAN (approved appeal) to be eligible for the Aims Scholars Scholarship in addition to meeting the other criteria.


Do I have to be a United States citizen to be eligible for the Aims Scholars Scholarship?

No, any Aims Community College student is eligible to receive the Aims Scholars Scholarship if they have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher, have at least 15 undergraduate credits earned at Aims Community College and are maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).


Will I be eligible for this scholarship if I have only been at Aims for one semester?

You are considered for eligibility once you have *completed* 15 undergraduate credit hours with at least a 3.2 cumulative undergraduate GPA. Eligibility will be determined once the semester grades have been posted by instructors.


What are the requirements to receive the Aims Scholars Scholarship?

A student needs to declare a financial aid-eligible degree or certificate program, must be enrolled for at least six credits (half-time enrollment status) during the awarding period, demonstrate at least a 3.2 cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA), have earned a minimum of fifteen undergraduate level (courses with a course number of 100 or above) at Aims, not in default on a federal student loan, not on financial aid ineligibility and has not exceeded the maximum credit limit for degree or certificate program.


Am I able to receive this scholarship as a high school student or if I have already earned a four-year degree?

Unfortunately, high school concurrently enrolled students and students who have already earned a four-year college degree are not eligible to receive this scholarship.


Does this scholarship award affect other financial aid?

If you have been awarded financial aid up to your full financial need or cost of attendance or both, then receipt of this or any scholarship might impact other aid you already received. Adjustments are made on a case-by-case basis with student loan reductions as a priority.

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