Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Concurrent Enrollment program at Aims.
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Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment - FAQ
How does a student qualify and apply to participate in Concurrent Enrollment?
Contact your high school counselor for information on how to get started. They will provide information on how your high school participates in Concurrent Enrollment.
How much does the Concurrent Enrollment program cost the student?
The student is responsible for minimal expenses and may be responsible for fees. Please talk with your counselor for details.
Who registers Concurrent Enrollment students for their courses?
If the course is on the high school campus, Aims Concurrent Enrollment department staff will register the student. If the course is on the Aims campus or online, the student must register themselves – talk to your high school counselor for help.
What if the student's high school and Aims course schedules don't match up?
Students must attend their Aims course calendar even if their high school courses aren't in session. Be sure to review the Aims Academic Calendar and compare it to your high school schedule.
How does a student drop or withdraw from a Concurrent Enrollment course?
A student has two ways to drop or withdraw from a course:
- Complete the Aims Drop/Withdraw Form and submit it to the Aims Admissions, Registration & Records Office by the deadline.
- Drop/Withdraw from the course online through the student's myAims account by the deadline.
Before you drop or withdraw from your courses, be sure to discuss your plan with your high school counselor first.
What is the myAims account used for and how is it accessed?
Your myAims account is your online portal where you can add and drop classes, access your online courses, check your grades, access student resources, and more. It is also your login to access your Aims email. Go to myAims to set up your account.
Are Concurrent Enrollment students eligible to participate in the Aims commencement (graduation) ceremony?
Yes, all Aims students can walk at the Aims commencement (graduation) ceremony.
If a student is a freshman or sophomore, can he/she still participate in Concurrent Enrollment?
Yes, but it is up to the student's school district/high school to approve.
Do students with documented disabilities still need to meet the minimum requirements and prerequisites of the college and program/courses?
Yes, please read about student responsibilities from the Aims Disability Access Services department and check out Concurrent Enrollment for Students with Disabilities from the Colorado Department of Education.
Can local education providers (LEPs) choose only to allow juniors and seniors to participate in the Concurrent Enrollment program?
The legislation allows student participation in Concurrent Enrollment from ninth to 12th grades; however, LEPs have flexibility in implementing the Concurrent Enrollment program to meet the needs of their students best and have the authority to approve students to participate in concurrent enrollment at their discretion. [C.R.S. § 22-35-103 (15)]
For a student who repeats the 12th-grade year of high school to complete graduation requirements (not an ASCENT student), is there any limit on Concurrent Enrollment?
Yes. The limit is nine credit hours during the fifth year, with a maximum of six credit hours in a semester in which the student is a full-time student of the LEP. A maximum of three credit hours is permitted if the student is a part-time student of the LEP. Basic skill courses are permitted to be part of these credit hour limits. [C.R.S. § 22-35-104 (1)(d)]