Greeley Central High School is part of Greeley-Evans School District 6 in Greeley, offering students several career technical education (CTE) pathways to earn college credit in high school on their campus. Through a concurrent enrollment partnership with Aims, students can also earn post-secondary credits and industry certifications in a variety of industrial technology areas of study with classes held on the Greeley Central campus and on Aims campuses.
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Greeley Central High School
Greeley Central High School

"The instructors are all so supportive. Career Academy gives students access to opportunities they wouldn't otherwise have, so once they are in the program, staff always gives their all. We are able to make relationships, and build leadership and responsibility to meet the demands of our career fields. Whenever students are struggling they are there because mental health is important to them. They know that we balance being in high school and college so they always connect us with resources. There are great people putting this college together and I wish more high school students knew about what Aims offers."
--Kayline Garman, Career Academy EMT student
ACC 1001 - Fundamentals of Accounting
Introduces accounting fundamentals with emphasis on the procedures and practices used in business organizations. Major topics include the accounting cycle for service and merchandising companies, including end-of-period reporting. Course is not repeatable for credit.
ENY 1000 - Introduction to Energy Technologies
Introduces the energy technologies in use today and those that are in the research stage as possible alternatives. This course presents technologies including active solar heating, passive solar heating, wind energy systems, biomass, photovoltaics, co-generation, low and high head hydro, hydrogen, geothermal, power towers and energy storage systems. Course is not repeatable for credit.
MAN 2016 - Small Business Management
Examines the elements necessary for the successful formation of a new small business and to enhance the skills of those already involved in the operation of a small business. This course includes the development of a complete small business plan. Course is not repeatable for credit.
ELT 1206 - Fundamentals of DC/AC
Introduces the basic skills needed for many careers in electronics and related fields. Covers the operations and applications of basic DC and AC circuits consisting of resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers and diodes. Emphasizes the use of common test instruments in troubleshooting. Course is not repeatable for credit.
MAR 2016 - Principles of Marketing
Presents the analysis of theoretical marketing processes and the strategies of product development, pricing, promotion and distribution, and their applications to businesses and the individual consumer. Course is not repeatable for credit.