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Thompson Valley High School

Thompson Valley High School building
Thompson Valley High School partners with Aims to offer students the opportunity to earn tuition-free college credit in high school through concurrent enrollment.

Earn College Credit at Thompson Valley High

Thompson Valley High School is part of the Thompson School District and is focused primarily on offering concurrent enrollment carpentry courses on the Thompson Valley High School campus. Students also have access to the Thompson Career Center and Aims campuses for tuition-free concurrent courses where they can also earn college credit in high school. 

“Aims staff is super friendly and helpful. If you ever need help hey are available 24/7, and get back to you soon. Instructors are very helpful and uplifting.”
--Katie Land & Landon Carlson, Fire Science Academy Students

Here To Help

For questions or to begin enrollment, please contact:

Current Available Courses

Available courses may change with each new semester.

CAR 1005 - Job Site Layout and Blueprint Reading

Introduces blue-print reading and how they apply to the construction site. Includes in-depth introduction to site layout (materials and methods). Course is not repeatable for credit.
