Aims Community College Continuing Education offers a new Professional Dog Training program this fall.
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Aims Community College Responds to Growing Pet Industry with Professional Dog Training Program

This two-part, non-credit certificate program teaches students about canine body language, behavior, training, health and wellness.
This program prepares you to successfully pass the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) exam and begin your journey to an exciting new career. Students must complete more dog training hours not offered in this program to be eligible for the exam. However, assistance in gaining some extra hands-on experience is provided to students in the Aims program.
Classes begin September 12 on the Aims Windsor Campus. In-person classroom sessions are scheduled on Thursday evenings. Hands-on practice sessions are available on Friday nights or Saturday mornings in partnership with Summit Dog Training and Animal Friends Alliance, both located in Fort Collins. The program costs $999 per semester or $1,899 for the entire year. Payment plans are available.
The instructor for this course is Angela Murray, a certified behavior consultant through CCPDT. Murray has more than 30 years of experience teaching group classes, giving private lessons and working with canine behavioral challenges in various settings.
An ideal trainer should be compassionate and can mediate the relationship between people and pets. Murray believes a program like this “sets people up to succeed in the industry because they have more education and experience.” She also says it is impactful, “you can make a huge difference in someone’s life living with their dog.”
This program can get someone started on a career track right away. A qualified professional can work for various organizations, such as training programs, doggie daycares and veterinarian offices. Dog training is also a great small business opportunity. Entrepreneurs can combine related services (such as dog walking or pet sitting) and offer expanded service packages to clients.
There is a growing demand for dog training services. According to the American Pet Product Association annual survey statistics, the U.S. pet industry is responsible for an estimated $150.6 billion in spending. Approximately 58 million U.S. households have a dog.
Please visit to learn more and register.