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Aims Tuition Promise Makes College More Accessible

Beginning this fall, Aims Community College is initiating a program that makes higher education tuition-free for many Coloradoans. 

Aims students in cap and gown with All in and Aardvark Pride signs

The Aims Tuition Promise is a commitment to cover tuition for any Colorado resident whose family’s adjusted gross income is below $65K. For Independent students (typically over 24 years old), tuition is covered for households with an adjusted gross income of $50K or less.

The Aims Tuition Promise applies to the Fall and Spring semesters of each academic year. Aims factors in a combination of federal, state, and institutional aid and scholarships to pay tuition. After those programs are applied, Aims makes up the difference.

“At Aims Community College, we steadfastly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue higher education,” said Chair of the Aims Board of Trustees Marilyn Schock. “With the Aims Tuition Promise, we are making a powerful statement: financial barriers should not prevent Colorado residents from achieving their educational and career goals."

Aims Tuition Promise Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a Colorado resident for tuition purposes (determined by admissions application)
  • Must complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for the academic year
  • ASSET (Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow)  students must complete a CASFA (Colorado Application for State Financial Aid)
  • Must be enrolled in six or more credits that count toward a program of study
  • Must be seeking a degree or certificate
  • Must be in a good satisfactory academic progress status as defined by the Office of Financial Aid satisfactory academic progress policy
  • Must not already have a prior Bachelor’s degree
  • All required documentation needed for verification and packaging of aid must be submitted and complete
Student with financial aid advisor

“There are a lot of people who just don't know the opportunities that Aims has for them,” said Chris Peterson, Executive Director of Financial Aid.  “People can afford their education, and Aims is committed to helping them better their lives.”

Aims already has some of the lowest tuition in Colorado for in-state students. Only nine percent of students leave Aims with student loan debt. 

“This is the latest way that we're showing that we're all in,” said  Dr. Larry Pakowski, Vice President of Student Engagement, Inclusion & Success. “For any student that wants to come to Aims, we’ll do what we can to remove the financial barriers to their success.”

There is still time to enroll at Aims for the fall semester, which begins on August 26. Visit to start the process or stop by the Welcome Center, 4901 W 20th Street on the Greeley Campus.