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Financial Aid

Aims Tuition Promise


Aims graduates pose together at a commencement ceremony

Aims Community College strongly believes Colorado students from all backgrounds should have every opportunity to pursue and receive a higher education degree or certificate. 

Starting in Fall 2024, standard tuition at Aims will be completely covered for all Colorado residents who meet the eligibility criteria.

Aims is committed to covering tuition for any Colorado resident whose family’s Adjusted Gross Income is below $65,000. If you are an independent student (typically over 24 years of age) your tuition is covered if your household Adjusted Gross Income is $50,000 or less.

How It Works

The Aims Tuition Promise applies to Fall and Spring semesters each academic year. Aims will factor in a combination of federal, state, institutional aid and any other scholarships to pay your tuition. After those programs are applied Aims will make up the difference. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a Colorado resident for tuition purposes (determined by admissions application)
  • Must complete a FAFSA for the academic year
  • ASSET students must complete a CASFA
  • Must be enrolled in six or more credits that count toward your Program of Study
  • Must be seeking a degree or certificate
  • Must be in a good Satisfactory Academic Progress status as defined by the Office of Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy
  • Must not already have a prior Bachelor’s degree
  • All required documentation needed for Verification/Packaging of aid must be submitted and complete