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Financial Aid

Aims Tuition Promise

A graduate fist-pumping during commencement while wearing cap and gown and regalia

Aims Community College strongly believes all Colorado students should have every opportunity to pursue a higher education degree or certificate. 

To support this mission, the Aims Tuition Promise program will cover tuition for any Colorado resident with either:

  • A family Adjusted Gross Income under $65,000
  • An independent student (typically over the age of 24) Adjusted Gross Income under $50,000

How It Works

An affordable education is possible at Aims. The Aims Tuition Promise program applies to Fall and Spring semesters each academic year. Aims will factor in a combination of federal, state, institutional aid and any other scholarships to pay your tuition. After those programs are applied, Aims will make up the difference. 

Aims Tuition Promise eligibility checklist

To qualify for Aims Tuition promise, you need to be an Aims student and meet these criteria:

  • Colorado residency for tuition purposes
  • FAFSA completed for the academic year
  • CASFA completed if you’re an ASSET student
  • Seeking a degree or certificate without a prior bachelor’s degree
  • Enrolled in six or more credits that count toward your program of study
  • In good Satisfactory Academic Progress status as defined by the Aims Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy
  • Completed and submitted all required documentation for financial aid verification and packaging

Next Steps

Here's what you need to get started:

Aims Tuition Promise FAQ