Aims2UNC is a joint initiative between Aims Community College and the University of Northern Colorado. This program streamlines the path for students to transition directly to UNC to pursue a bachelor's degree after earning an associate degree at Aims.

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- Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
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Aims2UNC Transition Program
Aims2UNC Transition Program
Interested in Aims2UNC?
It's recommended that you apply to the program during your first semester at Aims. To learn more, please email
Already enrolled in the program?
If you have questions about how to register for classes, please email
The Aims2UNC transition program gives you the benefits of both campuses and support from specialized program staff while earning the first two years of your bachelor's degree at a fraction of the cost at Aims.
Already a student at Aims Community College and ready to apply to the Aims2UNC program? If you have at least 2 semesters remaining at Aims, check out eligibility requirements and follow the application steps.
Applying to Aims2UNC is a simple process and is an option if you meet the following requirements:
- Earned your high school degree (or equivalent)
- Taking at least one class at Aims Community College
- Have at least 2 full semesters left to complete at Aims
- Declared in an AA/AS or applicable AAS degree
To apply to the Aims2UNC program, follow these instructions:
Before applying to Aims2UNC, you must apply and be accepted to Aims and enroll in at least one class.
The Aims2UNC application is separate from the Aims application. You may apply to Aims2UNC as soon as you have applied to Aims and have enrolled in at least one class.
- Start the Aims2UNC application (this is done through the UNC website and you will be asked to first register for an account)
- Be sure to select "nondegree seeking > Aims2UNC" to complete the free application
- Submit the application once completed
- Once the Aims2UNC application has been processed, eligible students will receive a Participation Agreement to sign and submit.
- Be on the lookout for a Welcome email explaining your next steps.
Note: You are not fully admitted into the Aims2UNC program until you submit your Participation Agreement.
As a truly transitional program, Aims2UNC offers enhanced benefits to students that they would not otherwise receive from pursuing a traditional (single point-of-contact) transfer to a 4-year university.
Once accepted to the Aims2UNC program, you can take full advantage of many offerings at both campuses with access to the services and facilities at UNC while attending classes at Aims to earn your associate degree. You’ll feel a sense of belonging while acclimating to life as a student at UNC long before taking classes there.
Opportunities at UNC while attending Aims include:
- Attending UNC events as a UNC Student (including free admission to UNC athletic events, etc.)
- Using the UNC Recreation Center
- Joining UNC clubs and organizations
- Utilizing the UNC libraries and health center
- And more!
There are many other advantages students benefit from once accepted into the Aims2UNC programs including:
- Specialized advising from staff who understand the degree requirements at both Aims and UNC. This advising is designed to help you reach your academic and career goals.
- Support and guidance to help you meet UNC admission requirements.
- Additional scholarship opportunities that are only available to Aims2UNC participants.
- No UNC application fee.
- Streamlined transfer of courses and information between Aims and UNC.
- Cost savings—Aims tuition is one of the lowest in Colorado, so students save significant costs for their first two years of college.
You can view detailed curriculum maps outlining coursework for your two years at Aims and two years at UNC for all qualifying transfer degrees.
Together, Aims and UNC staff and faculty created the Aims2UNC curriculum maps to outline the recommended Aims coursework that will provide a seamless transitional path to earning a bachelor's degree from UNC. Each student will utilize the curriculum map that aligns with their chosen educational path while working closely with an Aims2UNC advisor to achieve their unique education and career goals.
The suggested timeline for earning a 120-credit bachelor's degree from UNC is as follows:
- Earn 60 credits from Aims following one of the Aims2UNC curriculum maps
- Graduate from Aims with an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science or applicable Associate of Applied Science and successfully transition to UNC
- Complete the remaining 60 credits at UNC
- Graduate from UNC
Aims2UNC participants may be eligible for a renewable scholarship beginning the second semester of the program. Up to $500 will be awarded to any Aims2UNC student who meets the outlined requirements.
To be eligible for the Aims2UNC scholarship, a student must:
- Be a degree-seeking student at Aims.
- Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards as outlined by the Aims Financial Aid department.
- Have completed 12 credits at Aims.
- Earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA
- Complete two Aims2UNC sponsored/ approved engagement opportunities.
- Complete one Registration Advising Appointment with an Aims2UNC Advisor.
- Students who meet the scholarship requirements and are currently registered for classes are eligible for up to $500 per semester.
- To continue to be eligible, students must continue to make progress towards the declared AA, AS, or applicable AAS degree that makes the student eligible for the Aims2UNC program.
- The scholarship caps at 70 credits at Aims and the scholarship is only applicable while a student is seeking a degree at Aims.
Scholarship amounts are based on enrollment as follows:
- $500/semester - enrolled in 12 credits or more
- $375/semester - enrolled in 9 -11 credits
- $250/semester - enrolled in 6 - 8 credits
If you are interested in attending UNC to earn your bachelor's degree after graduating from Aims, you are encouraged to apply to the program as soon as you are accepted to Aims and start taking classes, but you must apply no later than two semesters before your anticipated graduation from Aims.
If a student graduates from Aims with an associate degree with at least a 2.0 GPA, and meets all other UNC requirements, then they will be admitted to UNC.
You will receive financial aid from the institution where you are currently a degree seeking student (you can only receive aid from one institution at a time). Most commonly that will mean that you receive financial aid for your first sixty credits from Aims, and you will receive financial aid from UNC once you have transitioned.
There are several reasons students choose the Aims2UNC transition program instead of going to UNC for all four years including:
- It provides a significant cost savings to complete the first two years of school at Aims.
- It allows students who don't yet have the necessary grades or test scores to get into UNC to get on a path to a four-year bachelor's degree.
- Aims offers small class sizes and various student services that provide students with the support and resources they need to be successful.
- Students get to be part of a diverse community that fosters belonging and growth through events, clubs and activities.
The Aims2UNC program is an excellent way to start your path to a four-year degree!