Find instructions for viewing grades and a detailed explanation of the Aims grading system. The Registration & Records Office does not mail grades; grades are posted online by the end of the third business day after the semester ends.
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Registration and Records
- Visit the myAims page.
- In the login box, enter your username and password.
- Once you have logged in, click on the Student tab.
- Under Student Grades, select the term from the drop down box and click Go.
- Your grades should appear.
Instructors are responsible for entering grades by the end of three business days after the semester ends. If you do not see your grade, your instructor has not entered it.
If you have problems logging in to the web or cannot navigate through the site, please contact the Help Desk at (970) 330-8008.
Aims Community College uses the following grades to indicate the level at which a student has achieved the education objectives of a class:
Grade | Definition | Grade Points Per Credit Hour |
A | Superior Work | 4 |
B | Above Average Work | 3 |
C | Average Work | 2 |
D | Minimum Passing Work | 1 |
F | Failing | 0 |
Additional Grading Symbols (not calculated into GPA):
Symbol | Definition | Description |
W | Withdrawal | Student withdrew from class |
S | Satisfactory | Student has satisfactorily completed course requirements at a level of C or better |
U | Unsatisfactory | Student failed to complete course requirements |
I | Incomplete | Student has been given extra time to complete the class |
NR | No Report | Grade not turned in by instructor |
AU | Audit | Does not imply success or failure of class |
A student's grade point average (GPA) can be computed using the following formula:
Calculate your quality points by adding:
- Number of credits of A grades multiplied by four – PLUS
- Number of credits of B grades multiplied by three – PLUS
- Number of credits of C grades multiplied by two – PLUS
- Number of credits of D grades multiplied by one
- Then divide the quality points you just added by the total number of credits accumulated (GPA hours).
You may attempt to improve your overall GPA by eliminating all previous coursework from the GPA calculation.
To be eligible:
- You must be returning to Aims from an absence of two calendar years or longer.
- Fill out the Fresh Start Petition.
- Meet with your advisor to discuss Fresh Start requirements and obtain signature.
- Return the form to the Student Enrollment Office for processing by the first day of class.
All formerly earned grades will remain on your transcript with notation regarding the Fresh Start Rule. Students cannot choose which courses are used for recalculation. Grades that will no longer be calculated in your GPA will not count for credit toward graduation.
All recorded grades at Aims prior to and after Fresh Start will be used to determine all academic honors. Some academic departments do not accept Fresh Start toward their admission requirements for certain majors.
Fresh Start can only be applied to an academic record once. Once started, the Fresh Start program cannot be revoked. In accordance with Department of Education regulations, all attempted coursework is included to determine financial aid eligibility; no portion of the academic transcript can be excluded. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for more information.
123 Repeated Courses and 123-01: Repeated Courses Procedure was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 12, 2020 and replaces the previous Grade Replacement Policy. With this change, students are no longer required to submit a form to request a grade replacement and retroactive grade replacements will no longer be accepted.
Students may repeat certain courses that they have taken at Aims for the purpose of improving their grade with only the highest grade earned in a repeated course used in computing grade point average. Credit will only be awarded for one passed completion. Certain courses are exempt from the repeated course policy due to the nature/offering of the course. These courses such as art studio, physical education activity, etc. may be repeated for credit and all attempts at the course will be used in computing grade point average. Courses repeatable for credit are indicated as such in the course catalog.
Repeated courses are subject to the following conditions:
- Only the highest grade earned in a repeated course will be used in computing grade point average, however, all grades will be posted on the permanent record and academic transcript.
- The repeated course policy only applies to those courses that are taken at Aims Community College.
- A withdrawal cannot replace a letter grade.
- Pass/Fail, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and Audit course grades cannot replace a letter grade.
- In accordance with Department of Education regulations, all attempted coursework is included in determining Financial Aid eligibility. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.
- If the student plans to transfer to another institution, they should be aware that other institutions may include all grades in the calculation of grade point average for admission.
Auditing a course means a student attends a class regularly without being required to take exams, complete assignments or perform other tasks required by the instructor. No credit will be received for audited classes.
In order to receive an Audit, the student must follow these steps:
- Register for the course first. Regular tuition rates apply.
- Complete the Workday request STUDENT COURSE REGISTRATION: Request to Audit a Course, prior to the census date (drop deadline) of the class.
The Audit grade will appear as AU on the student transcript. No credit will be granted and this grade will not affect the grade point average. Courses for which the AU grade is assigned will not count toward any certificate or degree program.
The AU grade cannot be used to satisfy the following: a course prerequisite, in residents requirements, financial aid benefits, enrollment status, or veteran's benefits. To receive credit for a course that was originally audited, the student must retake the course in a subsequent semester and satisfactorily complete the course.
Regular tuition rates apply. Financial Aid will not pay for audited classes and audited classes will not be added into the student's enrollment status.
Credit enrollment cannot be converted to audit status at any time, nor can audited class be converted to credit status.
A temporary grade of “incomplete” may be assigned if a student is progressing satisfactorily and due to extenuating circumstances, cannot complete the work of a course within the term. The desire to do additional coursework to raise a grade is not considered an extenuating circumstance.
In the event that an incomplete grade is warranted, the instructor and student must complete an Incomplete Agreement, and the completed agreement will be kept on file in the academic division office. When completing an incomplete grade, students do not re-register for the course.
When the student meets the terms of the agreement, or the time period agreed upon for completion has ended, the instructor shall submit a Grade Change Request to assign the appropriate letter grade. If the instructor does not submit a grade change request after a maximum of one year, the student’s grade will be automatically converted to “failing” for the course. There are no opportunities for extending an incomplete grade beyond one year. Degrees and/or certificates will not be conferred upon students with an outstanding incomplete grade.
Students are named to the Dean's List when they have:
- Earned at least 12 credits of 100-level or above, letter-graded courses during the semester, and
- Earned at least a 3.50 semester GPA
A note regarding inclusion on the Dean's List is made on the academic transcript.
Students are named to the President's List when they have:
- Earned at least 12 credits of 100-level or above, letter-graded courses during the semester, and
- Earned a 4.00 semester GPA
A note regarding inclusion on the President's List is made on the academic transcript.