
  • Due to inclement weather, the Aims Physical Education and Recreation Center (PERC) on the Greeley Campus will be closed on Saturday, January 18.


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Grades FAQ

This page provides answers to common questions students and parents might have about grades at Aims. Click on the links in the sidebar to view the questions and answers for other student enrollment and records-related topics.

How do I get my grades for this semester?

You can view your grades online through your Workday account:

  1. Log into Workday
  2. Click on the 'Academics' quick link
  3. Under 'Academic Records', choose 'View My Grades'
  4. Select the desired 'Academic Period' (i.e. Fall 2023, Spring 2024, etc)
  5. Select 'Ok'

You can also view your Term GPA and your Cumulative GPA on this screen as well. Note: Grades are not mailed out to students.


When will my grades be available?

You can check when final grades are due for each term by accessing the Academic Calendar

My instructor told me I have an "A" in my class, but when I looked at my grades online, I saw that I have a "B." What should I do?

It is possible that your instructor incorrectly entered your grade. You should contact your instructor immediately. If there has been an error, your instructor can submit a grade change. If instructors need help, they can email for assistance.


I went online to view my grades, and one of my grades isn’t there. Why is that?

If you have questions about if your grade has been entered, you can reach out to the instructor for clarification. If you need help, reach out to


My class ends in the middle of the semester and I need to transfer it to another college right away so it will count for graduation. How do I do that?

Most instructors will post grades shortly after the class ends, while others submit their grades at the end of the semester. If you know you will need your grades earlier, please be sure to let your instructor know. After the course has finished and your instructor has had time to submit your final grade, log in to your Workday account to check. If you need help, reach out to


Can my parents get access to my grades?

In accordance with federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), no one can access your academic record without written consent from you. Your Workday account should only ever be accessed by you as it is the key to your confidential school records. It is recommended that if your parent, spouse, or other financial sponsor would like information, they should speak with you directly.


You do have the option to set up another individual to have access to view areas of your account. For more information about setting up a "Friends and Family" account, please follow these helpful steps. 



Does a letter grade of "D" count for my degree?

A letter grade of “D” will count for your A.A. degree, but it most likely will not transfer to another school.

A “D” will not count in an A.S. degree if it is received in any math, science, or computer science courses. The A.S. degree requires that students receive a “C” or better in these courses. 

Most A.A.S. degrees require that a student pass with a “D” or better; however, some courses require that a student pass with a “C” or better to move on to the next level course.

*If you aren't sure what the grade requirements are for your program of study, please contact your academic advisor.


If I receive a letter grade of "D" in an Aims class - will it be accepted by another school when I transfer?

Generally, no, it will not transfer. However, if you have further questions about how a course will transfer to another institution, please reach out to that institution for confirmation. 


Do pre-college courses count for my degree? Do they count in my GPA?

If the course you are transferring into Aims is considered pre-college then it will not count towards your degree or certificate. Transfer courses are never used to calculate a student's GPA. Your GPA at Aims will always correlate directly to the courses you have taken here at Aims. 

Aims courses that are below 100 are considered pre-college and will not count toward your degree/certificate or GPA.  

Math is the exception to the above statement. Students are required to take a math course numbered 120 or higher to graduate with an A.A. degree here at Aims and a math course numbered 121 or higher is required for any Aims A.S. degree. Math courses numbered between 100 and 119 are calculated into your GPA and can possibly be used for certain A.A.S. degrees. Your Academic Advisor can help you choose which math you need to meet graduation requirements.