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Colorado Early Colleges – Fort Collins

Colorado Early Colleges Fort Collins campus
The Fort Collins campus of Colorado Early Colleges partners with Aims to offer students college credit in high school through concurrent enrollment.

Earn College Credit at Colorado Early Colleges – Fort Collins

Located in Fort Collins, Colorado Early Colleges – Fort Collins students in grades 9-12 can take introductory college coursework in both Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Guarantee Transfer (GT) pathways in partnership with Aims.

CEC believes that all students, regardless of background or skill level, have the ability to graduate high school with an associate degree, postsecondary/industry certification, or 60+ credits. All students at CEC have the opportunity to pursue a growth mindset that will allow them to achieve mastery and to demonstrate that they can succeed in school, in college, and in their chosen careers. CEC helps make this possible through:

  • Dedicated college and career advisors that meet with parents/guardians and students on a regular basis to ensure that students are on track to graduate with the credentials of their choice
  • Encouraging students to be individuals and offering them flexibility in choosing their college or career path
  • Paying for tuition, fees, and textbooks
  • Offering pathways for accelerated students to earn a bachelor's degree
  • Offering online, on-campus, and off-campus schedules

We're Here to Help

To enroll, please work with your high school counselor. For more information about high school programs at Aims, contact the Aims team.

High School Enrollment Team

Anna Jenson

CEC Ft. Collins Academic and Career Advisor

Joliann Beck

CEC Ft. Collins Director of Advising

Aims Enrollment Team

Luis Tavizon Headshot

Luis Tavizon

Program Coordinator II, Concurrent Enrollment
Headshot Jamie

Jamie Viefhaus-Zak

Success Coach, HS2Aims

Current Available Courses

The selection of available courses may change for each new semester. If you don't see what you're looking for, contact one of the CEC advisors above and they'll help you find the program that matches your goals. 

BUS 1015 - Introduction to Business

Introduces the application of fundamental business principles to local, national, and international forums. This course examines the relationship of economic systems, governance, regulations, and law upon business operations. It surveys the concepts of career development, business ownership, finance and accounting, economics, marketing, management, operations, human resources, regulations, and business ethics. Course is not repeatable for credit.



BUS 2017 - Business Communications & Report Writing

Emphasizes effective business writing and cover letters, memoranda, reports, application letters, and resumes. This course includes the fundamentals of business communication and an introduction to international communication. Course is not repeatable for credit.



COM 1150 - Public Speaking

Combines the basic theories of communication with public speech performance skills. Emphasis is on speech preparation, organization, support, audience analysis, and delivery. Course is not repeatable for credit.



COM 1250 - Interpersonal Communication: GT-SS3

Examines the communication involved in interpersonal relationships occurring in family, social, and career situations. Relevant concepts include self-concept, perception, listening, nonverbal communication, and conflict. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



HIS 2015 - 20th Century World History: GT-HI1

Investigates the major political, social, and economic developments, international relationships, scientific breakthroughs, and cultural trends that have shaped the various global regions, empires, and nation-states since the late nineteenth century. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



PED 1003 - Weight Training II

Offers guided instruction and independent practice in weight training for men and women. Students practice various weight training techniques in accordance with their abilities. Emphasizes physiological considerations, equipment orientation, correct lifting techniques, program design, and nutrition. Course is repeatable for credit with no limitations.



PHI 1011 - Introduction to Philosophy: GT-AH3

Introduces significant theoretical and practical questions and emphasizes understanding the meaning and methods of philosophy. Includes: the human condition, logic, reality, knowledge, freedom, history, ethics, and religion. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



PHI 1012 - Ethics: GT-AH3

Examines human life, experience, and thought to discover and develop the principles and values for pursuing a more fulfilled existence. This course examines ethical theories designed to both justify moral judgments, as well as apply these ethical theories to a selection of personal and social issues in the world today. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



PHI 2005 - Business Ethics: GT-AH3

Examines major ethical theories and then applies ethical decision-making criteria to various moral issues and challenges in a business environment. This course includes issues such as job discrimination, worker's rights, consumerism, advertising, whistle-blowing, product safety, responsibility to the environment, as well as compassionate and fair responsibility to society. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



PHI 2018 - Environmental Ethics: GT-AH3

Analyzes theories of the value of the natural world. Topics may include the relation between scientific and moral principles; theories of the moral worth of persons, animals, plants, and other natural objects; historical, religious, and cultural influences on conceptions of nature; alternative accounts of human relationships and responsibilities to nature; and the connection between moral and political values and economic policies. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



POS 1025 - American State and Local Government: GT-SS1

Emphasizes the structure and function of state, county, and municipal governments including their relations with each other and with national government. Includes a study of Colorado government and politics. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



PSY 1001 - General Psychology I: GT-SS3

Focuses on the scientific study of behavior including motivation, emotion, physiological psychology, stress and coping, research methods, consciousness, sensation, perception, learning, and memory. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.



PSY 2221 - Social Psychology: GT-SS3

Focuses on the behavior of humans in a wide variety of social settings and the social influences humans have on each other in those settings. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.
