Frederick High School, located in Longmont, houses the district’s second Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program in which students earn a general studies associate degree through Aims at no cost to the student. P-TECH utilizes a combined approach to education that offers elements of high school, college and the professional world. In addition to earning college credit, students are able to jumpstart their careers with internship opportunities with industry partners Tolmar and Agilent Technologies. This program begins in 9th grade and is completed within 4-6 years.
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Frederick Senior High School
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Frederick Senior High School
Frederick Senior High School

"PTech has been, and probably will be, the hardest program that I have been a part of, but I know this is the best thing to prepare me."
--Kimberly Tarin Terrazas, PTech student at Frederick Senior High
ART 1110 - Art Appreciation: GT-AH1
Introduces the cultural significance of the visual arts, including media, processes, techniques, traditions, and terminology. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.
ANT 1001 - Cultural Anthropology: GT-SS3
Examines the study of human cultural patterns, including communication, economic systems, social and political organizations, religion, healing systems, and cultural change. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.
CSL 1003 - Finding Your Career
Presents and applies selected career and personality theories through inventories and exercises from which they are rooted. Based on these findings and additional, self-assessment exercises identifying personal motivators, values and positive and negative past work experiences, the student will discover careers of interest. Information about these careers will be gathered through various means, including an information interview with someone employed in a career of interest. To assist the student in finding and pursuing a career goal, the student will assemble an educational plan that will prepare them for their career and compose career and life goals that will guide their career direction. Personal barriers to accomplish these goals will be identified and the student will examine what was learned in the course by writing a paper which provides evidence and reasoning supporting their career choice. Course is not repeatable for credit.
MTE 1220 - Lean Manufacturing Practices and Processes
Focuses on the study of the Toyota Production System (TPS). Course is not repeatable for credit.
COM 1150 - Public Speaking
Combines the basic theories of communication with public speech performance skills. Emphasis is on speech preparation, organization, support, audience analysis, and delivery. Course is not repeatable for credit.
MAT 1260 - Introduction to Statistics: GT-MA1
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistics, with an emphasis on critical thinking and statistical literacy. Topics include methods of data collection, presentation and summarization, introduction to probability concepts and distributions, and statistical inference of one and two populations. This course uses real world data to illustrate applications of a practical nature. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category. Course readiness is determined by review of high school transcripts, assessment, and/or meeting with an Aims Academic Advisor. Course is not repeatable for credit.
ANT 1001 - Cultural Anthropology: GT-SS3
Examines the study of human cultural patterns, including communication, economic systems, social and political organizations, religion, healing systems, and cultural change. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.
ART 1110 - Art Appreciation: GT-AH1
Introduces the cultural significance of the visual arts, including media, processes, techniques, traditions, and terminology. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category. Course is not repeatable for credit.
MTE 1101 - Introduction to Manufacturing
Focuses on the fundamentals of manufacturing and the responsibilities of the manufacturing technician, including design, procurement, assembly, maintenance, operations, accounting and the importance of Quality Assurance (QA) throughout the manufacturing process. Course is not repeatable for credit.
MTE 1102 - Safety Manufacturing Environment
Introduces Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) federal and state regulations, industrial practices, and accident investigation techniques; including topics such as hazard communication standards, lockout/tagout procedures, eye safety, lifting techniques, electrical safety, stored energy safety, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and safety program development and monitoring. Course is not repeatable for credit.