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Roosevelt High School

Roosevelt High School
Roosevelt High School partners with Aims to offer concurrent enrollment opportunities for students to earn college credit in high school.
About Roosevelt High School

Located in Johnstown, Roosevelt High School (RHS) is a part of the RE-5J School District. This comprehensive school offers multiple Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways for students. In partnership with Aims, students in grades 9-12 can access a wide variety of courses taught by RHS instructors on the RHS campus, as well as those taught by Aims instructors on the RHS campus, on the Windsor or Greeley campus, or online. 

Concurrent enrollment courses provide students opportunities to earn free college credit in high school, explore college-level coursework and earn high-demand industry-recognized certificates demonstrating technical skills to support college and career readiness. Students are able to save money on higher education while earning credit toward a chosen career path and enter the workforce and start earning a living sooner.

"My experience with Career Academy was very educational and valuable for what I want to pursue as a career in the future. Because I want to pursue a career in engineering, AIMs Career Academy allowed me to take basic engineering courses, at a college level, that I can use as a base to slowly build up my education for my goals. After I take those courses, I will be able to transfer my credits to my college when I graduate high school. Career Academy was also a great way for me to get some experience as a college student, connect to others in my position, and understand what a college course would be like and what time management skills I need for my future."
--Hope Jackson, Roosevelt High Career Academy student

We're Here to Help

To enroll, please work with your high school counselor. For more information about high school programs at Aims, contact the Aims team.

High School Enrollment Team

James Campion, Roosevelt High School Counselor

James Campion

Roosevelt High Counselor

Aims Enrollment Team

A headshot of Rachel Carey

Rachel Carey

Program Coordinator II, Concurrent Enrollment
Isabelle Wolfe headshot

Isabelle Wolfe

Enrollment Coach
Sera Winchel Headshot

Sera Winchel

Senior Advisor, HS2Aims

Current Available Courses

The selection of available courses may change for each new semester.

CRJ 1035 - Judicial Function

Provides an overview of the structure and function of the dual American judicial system and the behavior of actors (judges/justices, lawyers, law clerks, interest groups, etc.) within the system. Emphasis is placed on the organization and administration of state and federal courts, criminal court procedures, juries, selection of judges, decision-making behavior of juries, judges and justices, and the implementation and impact of judicial policies. Course is not repeatable for credit.



ACC 1032 - Tax Help Colorado

Examines the preparation of individual, federal, and state income tax returns within the guidelines and limitations set forth by the Tax Help Colorado program and IRS guidelines. Emphasis is placed on form preparation with the use of tax software. Course is not repeatable for credit.



AEC 1200 - Print Reading Residential/Commercial

Interpret construction prints and the related documents produced by the residential or commercial architect and used in the construction industry. Course is not repeatable for credit.



CAR 1005 - Job Site Layout and Blueprint Reading

Introduces blue-print reading and how they apply to the construction site. Includes in-depth introduction to site layout (materials and methods). Course is not repeatable for credit.



CAR 1070 - Clinical: Construction Lab I

Continues to build upon the principles that are expected to be understood by students in the construction discipline. Course is repeatable with a maximum of 12 credit hours.


0 to 12

CIS 1018 - Intro to PC Applications

This course introduces basic computer terminology, file management, and PC system components. Provides an overview of office application software including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation graphics. Includes the use of a web browser to access the Internet. Course is not repeatable for credit.



CIS 2018 - Advanced PC Applications

Emphasizes solving business problems by integrating data from all of the software applications that facilitate the production of useful information. Advanced capabilities of a PC software applications suite are utilized. Printed documents, reports, slides, and forms are produced to communicate information. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Prerequisites

CIS 1018 with a grade of “C” or better



MAR 2016 - Principles of Marketing

Presents the analysis of theoretical marketing processes and the strategies of product development, pricing, promotion and distribution, and their applications to businesses and the individual consumer. Course is not repeatable for credit.



CRJ 1045 - Correctional Process

Examines the history of corrections in America from law enforcement through the administration of justice, probation, prisons, correctional institutions, and parole. This course examines the theories, rationales for punishment, and the political system in which corrections, as a component part of the criminal justice system, needs to operate. The course emphasizes legal, sociological, psychological, and other interdisciplinary approached that effect the operation of a correctional system. Course is not repeatable for credit.



EDU 2088 - Practicum II

Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the education facility and with the direct guidance of the instructor. Course is repeatable with a maximum of 12 credit hours.

Course Corequisites

EDU 221

Course Prerequisites

EDU 2211 with a grade of “C” or better


0 to 12

NUA 1001 - Nurse Aide Health Care Skills

Prepares the student to perform the fundamental skills of the nurse aide. Basic nursing skills, communication skills, restorative services, personal care skills, safety and emergency care issues are covered. Includes knowledge and/or principles of asepsis, OSHA and HIPAA regulations. Ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity and principles of mental health will be addressed, as well as patient/resident rights. Permission of instructor is required. Course is not repeatable for credit.

Course Corequisites
NUA 1070
Course Prerequisites

Permission of instructor



NUA 1070 - Nurse Aide Clinical Experience

Applies knowledge and skill gained in NUA 101 to patient care. Permission of instructor is required. Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours.

Course Corequisites
NUA 1001
Course Prerequisites

Permission of instructor


0.25 to 6

AVT 1055 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Training

Introduces and develops flight control and piloting techniques for common UAS platforms. Students will learn and demonstrate maneuvers, procedures, and best practices for safe UAS operation on fixed wing and rotary wing unmanned aircraft systems (drones). . Course is not repeatable for credit. tuition rates apply
